Originally posted by shingo5d
Yea..also this excludes the ranger, considering that the protagonist never got out of CandleKeep in his whole life, this leaves hims with the following classes:
I disagree. Who's to say Gorion didn't take the Protagonist on a few field trips. Also, a travelling Ranger (or Druid for that matter) might have had to come to Candlekeep, and ended u giving the Protagonist the basics of the class.
Cleric- Maybe? But which god would want the son of another god to be their priest?
What god wouldn't want a devout follower of his to be more powerful than the average person? Not to mention, if word gets out that this cleric is the scion of a dead god, many more people may choose to follow that said god.
Monk- maybe the monks at there tained him? But to me the monks do not seem to be the monks of Bg2..hmmm..
I don't have a problem here. Who's to say there isn't a martial-based Monk in Candlekeep?
Paladin- No order to train him
So what? A Paladin isn't trained, the deity chooses the person; it's a calling in life.
As for the races:
Human, Half elf?
What's wrong with Gnome, Halfling, or Half-Orc?
Alignment: Lawful neutral? Candlekeep is a pretty lawful community?
I can't see how Alignment would be restricted in any way. If you choose to be good, it's from Gorion's influence. If evil, maybe it's the essence of Bhaal in your veins. Maybe the monks taught you to be neutral.
PS, I don't mean to pick on you, it just makes it easier for me to illustrate my point when quoting somebody else.