I just got the Harper Pin from Terminsel, which is great, but Jaheira cannot even use it! It is unusable for whatever reason by all members of my party, and has the reddish background of an item that is not usable. I tried putting it in all the slots available for her, but it just didnt work. I dont not have any mods installed, or any unusal patches, only the bioware official ones as well as the Baldurdash fix packs and Manveru's Jaheria Romance and Terminsel fix.
So, I have no idea what to do, other than SK the abilites in to Jaheira (but I dont know how to do things like non-detection). Anything to fix this problem, SK or not would be appreciated. Thanks!
Jahiera Harper Quest Problem (Spoilers)
Dude man, sorry to hear that. Jaheira should be the only one who can use it. Must be a bug in your game somewhere. Maybe you can download the Ruad mod and then Shadowkeeper in the upgraded Jaheira pin. Either that or install Infinity engine editor and try to tweak the original item. These other guys might have better ideas though.
I'm having the same problem in my actual game (and never before9, but I thought that was depending by the fact thet I'm playing Jaheira as C/R and so not being a druid she can't wear the Pin (even the improved Pin from Ruad). I also have quite a lot of mods installed (Weidu only), so I don't know what happend (seems that in my other game the Pin is working ok).
Anyway, I will wait that my thief gain the UAI ability to wear it.
Anyway, I will wait that my thief gain the UAI ability to wear it.