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question about mods

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to BioWare's Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn.
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Grey rider
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question about mods

Post by Grey rider »

Hello everbody. It's been a whjile since I last sent a massege, and in that time I've fixed the bugg with shapshifting and added a few modes to may game, such as celestials,spell 50,tacticts 2,valen,ascension,mode of ease,under represented mode,unfinished business and the gray clan mod.
Now what I'm interested in is if there are some known buggs about this mods, and if I can combine all this modes together, and most inportant of all, do I need any patcehs for this modes
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Post by Sytze »

You'll be fine. If I'm not mistaken, all those Mod's are Weidu, right?? (I don’t know Celestials though...) So they will be compatible with each other.

I’m currently playing a game with a dozen or so more Mod's installed and I'm having no problems so far.

About the extra patches:
You only need the official Bioware patch. Ohh, and the Baldurdash Fixpack might be handy.
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