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for fable ( uthers are welkommed ass well)

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to BioWare's Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn.
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Grey rider
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for fable ( uthers are welkommed ass well)

Post by Grey rider »

I have this modes: unfinished busuness, acsension, ease,celestials,spell 50, tactics 2, valen and under represeented items mods.
Now how do all of this mods interact with ane and a nother. Those one cause the other to brake down, or do any of this mods cause any buggs in the game.
Allso do I need any patches for this modes?
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Post by Thrain »

you need to install the official patch and the baldurdash fixpack before you install ANY mods.

IIRC, all those mods are Weidu so there shouldn't be a problem in compatability (though ive never used underrepresented items so....)
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Post by Sytze »

You are asking the same question two times Grey rider.

In your thread called "question about mods" you asked the same questions and I gave you an answer there...
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Post by fable »

Sytze is correct. Let's keep all information in one place, and please, not spam the forums. :)

This thread is closed.
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