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Stunted magicka?

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Stunted magicka?

Post by ippy_1 »

Umm...i need some help... i picked the starsign as Atronach which gets fortify magicka by 2.0 intelligence and stunted magicka... before i chose that starsign, i didnt know what stunted magicka means so i didnt care about it. now, when i have played like 2 hours, i notice that my magicka doesnt regenerate when i rest!
i must buy every "restore magicka potion" in morrowind to restore my magicka, and now im in trouble! i really dont want to start new character without the stunted magicka so i need some help.

is there any way cure stunted magicka or some console command to set it off or something? help is appreciated!

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Aaron Kasra
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Post by Aaron Kasra »

I'm a total noob, so take this with a grain a salt, but I doubt there's anyway to cure those inate characteristics.

I think Astronach compensates for not regenerating magicka while resting with that inate Spell Absorption ability, which lets you soak up a precentage of any magicka used in attacks against you. Maybe you need to hold off using magic attacks unless you're being attacked with magic (or, like you said, quaff some brews between fights).
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Post by beornica »

I usually just cheat when I run out of magica. This may not help, since I have an x box and you probably play by computer, but black/white/white/black/white when you highlight the magica bar will raise it back up. Oooo, I'm such a cheeeater!!! Shame on me!
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Post by Anonononomous »

There's a simple console command for adding magica if you want it. Google is your friend.
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Post by Ares2382 »

Ok I've played this game for quiet a while,most of the time with a mage with Atronach sign. So let me share some of my experience with you.

Atronach is a best sign for a mage, for one, once you get a few other things later in the game, you can get your Spell Absorption to 100%, which is extremely nice. Also, if you use Alchemy and you have good alchemy set, you can make your own (better) restore potions so you don't have to buy the crappy ones that you get at the stores.

The tough part to having Atronach sign is the early part of the game, and I mean like until you get to Balmora. Also as for regenarating you magicka, you can do it without using potions. All you need is a Temple or Imperial Shrine. If you are near a Temple Shrine you can restore your Magicka by using Almsivi Restoration. And if you are near an Imperial Shrine use Restore Attributes on yourself to get a full bar of Magicka.

Once you get a good alchemy set you can start getting Deadra Hearts and Cromberries to make Restore Magick potions. But don't make potions until you have atleast a Master set of alchemy equipment because Deadra Hearts are expensive. There are other ingredients, but they are also expensive.

Anyways, hope that helps, enjoy the game and if you need any questions you can ask here. Everyone here is very nice and helpful.
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Post by Dark Master »

Everything that Ares said I totally agree with, but there is just one thing to add to that. The Mages Guild have a supply chest at four of their guild halls, Balmora, Ald'Ruh, Sadrith Mora, and Vivec.

Caldera does not have a supply chest. Anyway, in a supply chest there are 10 restore Magicka potions. These respawn quite frequently in the game, I'm not sure if you need to remove everything before the chest will respawn, but if you do just put the stuff you don't want on the floor next to it.

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Post by fable »

If you're a mage with high alchemical skill, though, check out the tower in Caldera. There's quite a surprise waiting for you, if you don't mind theft. ;)
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Post by ippy_1 »


yeah thanks fable ^^ those equipment come in handy :D
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Post by Sojourner »

The other ingredient for making Restore Magicka potions are Frost Salts - sold in the Vivec Mages' Guild. I prefer using those over the Daedra Hearts because they make for lighter potions.

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Post by Dark Master »

Void salts also help in Restore Magicka potions. I know they are rare, but by the later levels of your character you'll be attacking Deadric ruins for fun, and Winged Twilights often hang around there...

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