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Nalias lost her spells

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Northern Lights
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Nalias lost her spells

Post by Northern Lights »

Every time I attempt to scribe, spells into Nalias spell book they will not stick into the book. Her spells are all grayed out and she lost a few levels. I am not sure if losing spells/levels is part of the game or if there is a spell/ temple that would enable here to regain her spells in addition to the lost levels. I went to the temple as well as the copper cornet to rest in hopes that her levels and spells would regain but they did not. Dose anybody know of a spell or place that would level her back up and Regan her spells back. It is getting tough using her in the game without any spells. I would prefer to keep her in the game but if her ability to cast spells, is gone for good, I am going to ditch her and hope we run into another character that would join the party to take her place.
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Post by Armycardinal »

small spoilers

small spoilers

It sounds like she was "level drained". A nasty, and often used ability by vampires, vampric mists, vampyres (lesser vamps), and other such beasties.

Just get yourself a "Restore" spell. In either scroll form (for a cleric-type) or go to a temple and pay for one.

I think you can buy scrolls at the armorer in Waukeen's, or from the innkeeper in the Copper Coronet - and of course any temple.

Eventually, your clerics should keep a few of these in their memorized bank, along with "Negative Plane Protection" - that prevents a level drain too - for a very short time. There are items in the game that give the protection too.

Good Luck. I hope this helps...

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Post by nephtu »

Another possibility

Is Nalia wearing armour? If she wears thiefly armour, her spells will all be greyed out.

Good luck...
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Northern Lights
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Post by Northern Lights »

That was it Nalia was wearing armor. And the restoration spell leveled her back up, she is fatigue, but at least she has her LV/ spells back, thanks everybody.
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Post by tirann »

On the same sort of track how do you reverse Energy Drain?
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Post by Galuf the Dwarf »

Originally posted by tirann
On the same sort of track how do you reverse Energy Drain?

'Lesser/Greater Restoration'. It's a Cleric's best friend (alongside 'Hea'l and 'Resurrection').
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Post by tirann »

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