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I'm so excited, and I just can't hide it!!!

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I'm so excited, and I just can't hide it!!!

Post by Galuf the Dwarf »

Ladies and gentlemen, I have just recieved fantastic news! My college has accepted me into the Dean's List for the Fall 2003 semester!!! :eek:

I can't believe this!! *running around in circles at 360 miles per hour* It'sasifIjustwonthelotteryorfoudnthegirlofmydreams!Ican'tbelieveitIcan'tbelieveIcan'tbelieveit!Whatamazingthingswillcomeupnext?
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Post by fable »

Congrats, @Galuf! Nice going!
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Post by Mysteria »

Sure sounds good ... erm, what does this exactly mean? I'm curious, please educate a poor woman. :D :o
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Post by fable »

I'm not sure what determines acceptability in the dean's list to his specific school, but people who make it regularly usually end up graduating cum laude. That can help get a toehold in some professions.
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Post by Galuf the Dwarf »

Originally posted by fable
I'm not sure what determines acceptability in the dean's list to his specific school, but people who make it regularly usually end up graduating cum laude. That can help get a toehold in some professions.

Well, I'm trying to keep up with that. Me, I'm hoping to (eventually) get a job in my state's social service. It's the one thing that I could do to help people the most, and it's something I've known many people to do to help me for years.

My college requires a minimum of 3 credits and a 3.4 grade point average. Me, I took 3 courses for 7 credits total, and passed the semester with a 4.0 average!!! (which I have found a slight bit hard to believe, but it's true). :eek:
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Post by Aegis »

Maybe you can clear something up for me. How does the whole GPA thing work? I never understood that.

Btw, congats. Quite a feat.
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Post by der Moench »

First off: Congratulations, Galuf, and well done! :)

@Aegis: GPA is determined by grades and by credits. In the US, we grade A, B, C, D, and F. Sometimes, pluses and minuses can be added (i.e. C+). Each grade has a value for calculation in GPA. An A is worth 4 points, a B is 3, a C is 2, a D is 1, and an F is worth no points. Classes are also given credits. Where I went to school, classes were worth anywhere from 3 to 6 credits each, though where Galuf goes, they must be worth less, as he took 3 classes for a total of only 7 credits. It's not universal, though I always thought 120 credits was a pretty typical requirement for graduation.

Anyway, so the way GPA is calculated is by taking the points earned by the grades, times the credit value of the grades, divided by the total credits taken. So, for example, if I took a three credit class, a four credit class, and a five credit class, and got grades of C, B, and A, respectively, my GPA would be:

( (3x2)+(4x3)+(5x4) ) / (3+4+5) = 3.1

Galuf maintained a 4.0, which means he got all A's. Once again, Well done, Galuf.

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Post by Aegis »

Wow... I suddenly have just become more enthralled with the marking system I went through!

I mean, we use percentages. No letters, no GPA's, no SAT's, just a number. I mean, when I look at my grades, I understand what that 80% in english means, or that 98% for CISCO networking... Understandable :)

Anyway, now that I know, cngrats Galuf. That is even more impressive now!
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Post by Tamerlane »

Woah! 4.0 average, well done Galuf :cool:
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Post by Georgi »

Congrats Galuf :)
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Post by Mysteria »

Impressive! :)
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Post by garazdawi »

Whoa, 4.0 is quite an achievement. especially when doing 7 credits. Congratz dude :D
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Post by Vicsun »


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Post by The Z »

That's what you call excellence....congrats Galuf :)
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Post by Scayde »

Congrats Galuf :)

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Post by Sytze »

Damn...Id wish I was doing so well.

(yeah, im lazy, so sue me!)

Butta, congrats Galuf...may you continue on the good path ;)
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Post by Galuf the Dwarf »

Oops, I did it again! (No, really!)

Yes, it's happened for the second time in a row folks! Just got the notice in the mail today: Dean's List for the Spring 2004 semester! Here's to hoping I can gain a scholarship from this in the future (I've already paid for the fall semester's courses, so it's to late for that).
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Post by C Elegans »

Many congrats, Galuf! :) I hope everything else is fine with you too!
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Post by Rob-hin »

Congrats! :)

I've also got a question about other grades and stuff.

Where I live, Holland, we grade with numbers, 1 being the worst and 10 being the best. I've always wondered how this works with grading with letters. Is a A equal to a 10? If so, how can you get an A+ then?
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Post by Galuf the Dwarf »

Originally posted by Rob-hin
Congrats! :)

I've also got a question about other grades and stuff.

Where I live, Holland, we grade with numbers, 1 being the worst and 10 being the best. I've always wondered how this works with grading with letters. Is a A equal to a 10? If so, how can you get an A+ then?

That is an interesting question.

First of all, you'd have to assign a whole different letter grade ever two numbers, in other words:

F = 2 or below
D- through D+ = 2 1/4 through 4
C- through C+ = 4 1/4 though 6
B- through B+ = 6 1/4 through 8
A- though A+ = 8 1/4 through 10

Still, this is more of an estimate than anything. An even number in between each increment would equal an even grade (D, C, B, or A). Still, as you can see, the conversions are rather rough. It's rather like converting metric to standard.
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