I really need some help. Its a bug which makes it impossible for me to finish ToB. Its about the Plane and the 5 different hmm... quest you get there. When you complete a room shall it transform to a more beautiful room. But for me is it already nice and when i finish it it transforms back to what it should be when i enter it. So therefore says it when i tries to go to the final fight that one or more quest arent finished. Its really anoying can i tell.
Can anyone fix this bug and help me??!!
If you are running Win2k S.P. 2 download the Beta patch and install it (although this is not a known bug) Even if you don't have Win2k, install it anyway.
Find it here. [url="http://www.bioware.com/bg2tob/bg2tobpatch.shtml"]http://www.bioware.com/bg2tob/bg2tobpatch.shtml[/url]