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Who can train you on Short Blade skills?

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Who can train you on Short Blade skills?

Post by Indianasmith »

I know I've run across someone who does it, but I can't remember who or where! I've got a pretty wicked Ebony Shortblade I've enchanted, but my skill is only 18 or so, so I hit with it much more than I miss.
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Post by JesterKing »

lol ok, i came across this one myself, theres an NPC in a top room of the lucky lockup in balmora, MASTER TRAINER. It will take you up to 100+ in short blade, theres also guys from the theives guild and morag tong guilds. they are everywhere... but if you are only 18.... you can go to anyone, you only need the master trainer in lucky lockup once you get to about 50 and nobody will train you anymore. ok for any other master trainers there is this ill tell you it comes in pretty handy... costs a bloody fortune but handy nonetheless. good luck.
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Post by fable »

I think you mean Todwendy, in Balmora's Luck Lockup Cornerclub. (Always remembered that name. Thought it might be some kind of in-joke, like the name of two developers who worked on Balmora.)
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Post by JesterKing »

Ya thats probably her... haha, your probably right about the name, i guess if you work for five years on npcs you are going to get a little bored.
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Post by Dark Master »

I can sympathise....
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