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A couple of quick questions...

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A couple of quick questions...

Post by tirann »

Sorry about the string of questions guys. Every other walkthrough just has...

Do this.

Then this.

Then this and this.

I love roleplaying and want to get the most out of my game, but I can't see any problem getting a few tips here and there so here we go if you have a few minutes to answer my questions...

1. I like Edwin's style. He's now gone to the Copper Corronet without giving me a chance to cast 'know alignment' on him. What is his alignment?

2. If I add him to my party who will leave? Is he really worth adding to my party over that person/those people.

3. Stupid Question maybe but, the spell 'chaos' is that Priest or Mage? Can you by the scroll and get your mage to learn the spell? If so does anyone know from where I can buy it?

4. Jiehara starts with ++ Club proficiency. (I think...). Where can I get a really good whacking stick for her to use or would I be better off ++++'ing her Scimtar proficiency?

5. My protagonist is an elf assassin (female). Cool character but I would like to dual-class later in the game. Is this possible? At what level will I be allowed to dual-class? (At this stage I'm thinking Mage or Fighter, any suggestions?)

Thats all guys and gals, thanks for your time.
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Post by Bloodstalker »

..1 Edwin is evil, but I ain't sure which evil. I wanna say lawful, but just not sure.

2. Minsc has a gripe with Edwin. I think Keldorn will attack Edwin at some point. Keldorn is really judgmental. Edwin is the most powerful mage you can come across. He comes with an amulet that gives him extra spells, and he's the only pure mage in the game. Depends on you playing style really. I am more a melee player, so mages aren't as high up on my list as my tanks are.

3. I think mage. Benn awhile though.

4. I always have Jaheira using spears myself. I don't use clubs all that much.

5. I believe only humans can dual-class. The rest have to multi class at creation.
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Post by tirann »

Thanks for that... much appreciated. Any more answers?
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Post by Galuf the Dwarf »

Originally posted by Bloodstalker
..1 Edwin is evil, but I ain't sure which evil. I wanna say lawful, but just not sure.

2. Minsc has a gripe with Edwin. I think Keldorn will attack Edwin at some point. Keldorn is really judgmental. Edwin is the most powerful mage you can come across. He comes with an amulet that gives him extra spells, and he's the only pure mage in the game. Depends on you playing style really. I am more a melee player, so mages aren't as high up on my list as my tanks are.

3. I think mage. Benn awhile though.

4. I always have Jaheira using spears myself. I don't use clubs all that much.

5. I believe only humans can dual-class. The rest have to multi class at creation.

1) Confirmed: Lawful Evil it is. I know every NPC's alignments like the back of my hand. Correction: I know the NPC alignments better.

2) I think he also conflicts with Valygar and Mazzy (latter is sketchy).

3) Definitely Mage.

4) The highest Jaheira can go with weapon proficiency is ** in a weapon. If she was human instead of Half-Elf and dual-classed from Fighter to Druid, she would be. When it comes to clubs, you won't find any above +3 until you enter the expansion, and getting that is a hint of a chore.

5) Non-human races can't dual-class. They multi-class at creation, which means that they start out with certain classes, and level-up in each throughout the game. For instance, Jaheira is a Half-Elf Fighter/Druid, which is what she levels up as throughout the game. Elves can become Fighter/Thieves, Fighter/Mages, Thief/Mages, and Fighter/Thief/Mages. Dual-class characters can recieve maximum proficiency in weapons, while multi-class only go up to Specialization (2 points, in other words). Multi-classed characters, however, progress in two classes at once, where as dual-class stop in a certain class and continue with another. It may be confusing at first, but it'll all make sense in the end.
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Post by tirann »

So unless it was arranged at the start I cannot dual-class my elf assassin?

That's a bit of a shame.
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Post by Coot »

Playing with an assassin isn't a bad thing. You'll get some nice high-level abilities and 7x backstab.
Who else do you have in your party?
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Post by tirann »

Jeihara, Airie, Anomen, Mazzy and the ranger you need to get into the sphere but I've just had a mental blank and cant remember his name....DAMN IT!

Yep, priest-spell heavy I know but Mazzy, my assassin, Jeihara and Anomen together pack a punch and the 'sphere guy' (we'll call him that for now) and Airie are used for ranged attacks.

EDIT: Spelling
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Post by tirann »


That's his name.

Either way it seems he has a problem with Edwin who I am going to bring on board in his place and that of Airie, perhaps, I'm undecided.

Have to do Planar Sphere quest first then will reform party...

Maybe get rid of Valygar and Airie for Jan Jansen and Edwin...Hmmmm, that could be nice...
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Post by VonDondu »

Here's a tip about the evil NPCs: they despise everyone else. They "get along" with most of the other NPCs in the sense that they won't come to blows or leave the group due to a conflict except in very rare cases, but they will often exchange sharp words with each other. I guess that's supposed to give them "character". :) Some of the insults are funny, and I particularly enjoy watching all of the other NPCs pick on Edwin, who deserves it. He's the stereotypical "evil Wizard" who plots to take over the world, except that he never quite makes it.

Sometimes NPCs will try to kill each other or leave the party due to conflicts, but it doesn't happen as often as you might expect. If you have played Baldur's Gate (the original game, a.k.a. "BG1" ), you might be aware of the history of some of the NPCs and you might be able to anticipate conflicts. For example, when you first met Edwin in BG1, he wanted you to kill one of the other NPCs. Needless to say, that can potentially cause conflicts in BG2 (Shadows of Amn). You might have noticed when you met Edwin in BG2 that one of the dialogue options was, "Aren't you supposed to be dead?" You might have killed him in BG1. :) But that doesn't stop him from appearing in BG2.

If you haven't noticed, Mazzy is a wannabe Paladin, so I wonder why you want her in your party. Paladins are stuffed shirts, you know. The only true NPC Paladin in the game will try to kill one of the evil NPCs because of racial issues; he also advocates genocide in certain situations. On the other hand, he tolerates the company of one of the evil NPCs if your character is good because the evil guy is serving the cause of goodness. I find that a bit surprising, but the NPCs are certainly entitled to their own opinions. Valygar believes that magic corrupts people, so you might think that he won't get along with Mages, but he doesn't want to fight them; he wants to save them from the corrupting influence of magic. You'll learn more if you keep him in your party.

If you like your current party, you'll find that Valygar and Mazzy make a good pair, and you'll find that Anomen and Jaheira can kick some serious butt, and you'll find that it's nice to have a Mage who can cast lots of spells (whether it's Aerie or Edwin), and you'll find that a single-class Thief (or kit) is a useful class; so all things considered, your party should do very well. If you want to replace someone, I'd suggest that you replace Anomen with another Mage such as Imoen or Jan Jansen. Be aware that Imoen doesn't have much dialogue after you rescue her, while Jan has plenty of dialogue. He tends to get on everybody's nerves (especially people who take themselves too seriously), but you should see for yourself whether you like him. I wasn't impressed with him when I first met him, but after keeping him around for a while, I decided that he is one of the most indispensible NPCs you can find just for the entertainment value. (Minsc is the other one who is indispensible for entertainment value.)

Just one more thing. Edwin told you that he's searching for something, right? If you let him into your group, I strongly recommend that you find it and let him keep it (do NOT tell him that it belongs to the group). Just trust me on this. That's all you need to know.
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Post by Armycardinal »

My 2 cents

To leave off where VonDondu went...

Aerie packs a serious punch in ToB (Throne of Bhaal). She is just about as much mage as you will need later, but adding Eddie stirs up the pot... :D evil chuckle

I would dump Valygar, if it were me.

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Post by RepDetect61850 »

Originally posted by VonDondu
Paladins are stuffed shirts, you know. The only true NPC Paladin in the game will try to kill one of the evil NPCs because of racial issues; he also advocates genocide in certain situations.

I remember very well the... er, problems between Keldorn and Viconia, but this genocide stuff troubles me. Exactly, when and where does Keldorn say this?
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Post by Thrain »

i think it's underdark. talks about the wiping out of the drow.

on a completely unrelated note, when facing irenicus in hellwith my four-person party, jan's challenge to irenicus is strangely heroic. in fact, jan in hell is just great

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Post by fable »

Re: My 2 cents
Originally posted by Armycardinal
Aerie packs a serious punch in ToB (Throne of Bhaal). She is just about as much mage as you will need later, but adding Eddie stirs up the pot... :D

I'd agree about Aerie. She is potentially the most powerful spellcaster you can have in your party, though she takes the longest to develop because of her multi-classing. All those trigger spells that mages get can hold both mage *and* clerical spells when Aerie uses 'em. This is enormously powerful against the Undead--even if we ignore the cheese of employing triggers with very high level mage spells that duplicate the spellcaster, stop time, etc.

It's always seemed to me rather fitting that the least self-confident party NPC in the game should turn out to possess the most power. :D
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Post by Armycardinal »

More Aerie stuff

Also, when starting her out (and you keep her), I add weapons proficiency in Hammer and give her the crom faer.

Later I add a prof in dual-wield and give her the artifact hammer in ToB too (can't remember the name right now).

Once she gets powerful, give her a "spell sequencer" with three "Doom" spells in it (cleric spell that lowers saving throws by 2 each) - awesome effects. (ooh, ooh !! just thought of something else too - give her the Robe of Vecna and she gets this spell off before anyone can move) :D

Anyway...have fun

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Post by Galuf the Dwarf »

Re: More Aerie stuff
Originally posted by Armycardinal
Also, when starting her out (and you keep her), I add weapons proficiency in Hammer and give her the crom faer.

Later I add a prof in dual-wield and give her the artifact hammer in ToB too (can't remember the name right now).

Do you mean the Runehammer?
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Post by Eternal Winter »

Originally posted by Bloodstalker


2. Minsc has a gripe with Edwin. I think Keldorn will attack Edwin at some point. Keldorn is really judgmental. Edwin is the most powerful mage you can come across. He comes with an amulet that gives him extra spells, and he's the only pure mage in the game. Depends on you playing style really. I am more a melee player, so mages aren't as high up on my list as my tanks are.

Edwin can cast too many spells because he is not a pure mage he is a conjurer so he gains extra spell slots and he is also a red wizard so he gains more extra spell slots.I think his amulet is only a drawback for pretending him to became overpowered.Like Boo in Misc's quick item slot :rolleyes: Oh.... no i don't mean that Boo is useless....He is a giant space hamster and he helps Misc to take aim.

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Post by Thrain »

the amulet signifies his red wizard status, thus giving him more spell slots.

i think he gets three more than an ordinary mage. it is possible to do the whole saga with just edwin as a mage because of the amount of spells he can unleash.
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Post by Mr.Waesel »

Can the amulet be removed?
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Post by fable »

Originally posted by Mr.Waesel
Can the amulet be removed?

This was discussed here quite a while ago. Someone tried killing him, and the amulet vanished. The only way to get it was to use the editor.

it is possible to do the whole saga with just edwin as a mage because of the amount of spells he can unleash.

It's possible to do the entire saga with any one of the mages, even Jan. Aerie's actually the best in ToB. But since it's so easy to win, the fun really comes from trying to win the game without any mage at all. It's certainly possible, but a nice challenge on the harder levels. :)
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Post by Armycardinal »

Yeah...That's it !!!
Originally posted by Galuf the Dwarf
Do you mean the Runehammer?

Yeah that's the name - pretty cool hammer too.
Thanks. It's pretty cool to see the "weakest" NPC bash people around if they get too close.

(She's my daughter's favorite - always asking what Aerie's Str is and getting mad if it isn't 25 yet.) :D

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