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Another solo run...

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Luis Antonio
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Another solo run...

Post by Luis Antonio »


I've re-installed the game for a 'clean' copy. Then I've started the game normal, with a druid.


Went back to the beggining, and started it all again with a FMT solo, changed the difficulty to 'impossible' and started rocking. I think it is a bit hard for a solo character, with only 41 points to get through Irenicus dungeon, but it has been easy, and surprised me that, after four hours of gameplay, I was on my way to fight firkraag...

Now, the questions are:

-Why is it so fun to solo?

-Should I join the NPC's for special quests and rewards only? (I wanna beat that Druidic stronghold)

-I've got UAI as first HLA. Shall I select thieving habilities (spike traps mostly) to render Irenicus forces inop or use the fighter extra atacks?

-I'm wielding the Daystar and Adjata the Drinker, along with the shield of ubber eyestalker cheese (balduran's shield) and tuigan bow for ranged atack. They are ubber, but I cant beat golems. What shall I do? run away from them as I have been doing? :(

-Equipment suggestions are welcome. No elven mail yet. I wanna cast, backstab and fight effectively.

P.S> Mislead rocks!!! :D
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Post by Yeltsu »

Well, it seems to me that the point of soloing would be to become über powerful, just like Irenicus is an über sorcerer, you'll be an über Fighter\Mage\Thief (doesen't sound that cool though)
Also you don't have to listen to all the whining from every NPC you meet. AND you get to keep all the good stuff to yourself, especially with the UAI ability.

When I soloed with my dual kensai\thief I would always pick up NPC's for their specific quest in order to finish it completly. Like, I picked uip Cernd for the druid quest, Vylegar for the planar sphere quest and so on.

I found all of the HLA traps to be well worth it, especially the spike trap, place a few of those, and some regualar traps, and you'll kill any dragon in the game.

(Of course, I never got to pick any fighter HLA since my kensai never went highter than lvl 13, so I wouldn't know anything about those)

And why not use the FoA for those golems, as far as I've noticed, flame tongue or longsword of flame +1 works on golems as well (I think) What are your profiencies?

The robe of vecna from deirdre(sp?) is absolutly great!
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Luis Antonio
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Post by Luis Antonio »

@Asriel: Nope, decided not using FoA this time for backstab. I wanna backstab every enemy possible.

Long sword: **
Club: **
Sword and Shield: ** (wasted points *sigh*)
Short Bow:**
Staff: *
I'm around level 15 - 17 with them three classes.

Backstab: x5 (Got 119 damage on a umberhulk once...) :D

Ring of free action, ring of regeneration, boots of speed (for running and hidding in shadows), cloack of the sewers, helm of balduran (well, i like it and thats all), and the belt of avoidance (+4 vs missiles), along with that level drain protective necklace given you by the shadow thieves.

And I got some extra hla at this time:

x5 spike
x1 explode
x1 assassination
x1 uai
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Post by Yeltsu »

Yeah, backstab rox, (I once got 198 dmg with the Celestal Fury against Alhoon (mind flayer boss in Athkatla))

EDIT: I had +++++ in katanas then

However, you cannot backstab golems, they are immune, so u cannot use that tactic on them, but since u have profiencies in clubs,why not bash the to pieses with a good one, since it's blunt, you should be able to damage golems with it
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Luis Antonio
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Post by Luis Antonio »

Fending of watchers keep now...

it rocks!!!

Traps, time traps and spells make me unbeatable, not to mention those 119, 75 dmg runs each hit when misleaded...

I love this game... :D
Flesh to stone ain't permanent, it seems.
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