now, it was my understanding that aerie would romance gnomes, elves, half-elves and humans. jaheira was a little more selective and would do all of the above except for gnomes and viconia even more so, she wouldn't so elves (i don't care about Ano).
now i heard a rumour on another forum that both dwarves and halflings could romance aerie and dwarves also could romance Viconia. the only reason i haven't played with a dwarf yet is the romances. say it aint so banshee forum, say it aint so!
[QUOTE=Thrain]ay, i have EoU which does this, but to me, Viconia ain't gonna romance no gnome[/QUOTE]
Why not? As long as (s)he is powerful, cruel and on his/her way to the Underdark to slaugther.
She says: Lou, it's the Beginning of a Great Adventure