Having completed SOA with a party, I thought I'd have some fun solo. I'm playing an Archer/Thief (a little SK help to gain the kit, but otherwise 'normal').
Anyway, my character isn't exactly a tank ...

so I've been using him like a sniper. Right now I'm trying to take on Prebek in the Docks district. I attacked him in the house, then fled outside - and they followed. Which is exactly what I wanted as now I have the whole district to hide in.
My plan is to hide in shadows, come close enough to see them, take a few shots, then run away again - repeat as necessary

. Works reasonably well, but at some point the commoners turn hostile on me! Not that they're a threat - they just run away. But I have to think this is going to cause problems down the road ...

so I keep resorting to a save game and trying again. But everytime, they turn hostile on me.
So how can I stop them from going hostile?