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Killing 2 Gods

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Troika Games' Temple of Elemental Evil.
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Killing 2 Gods

Post by FounderLeader »

In the 4th level of the temple you encounter a God, who will actually kill you and then another god will re put things right....

imagin what if you are able to kill the first God (it has 500 hp)

Well i did it yesterday and the second god (Stch...something) Attached me insted of saveing me!!!!
:eek: :eek:

I've managed to couse him about 880 hp damege... not enough

In gonna try again tonignt... but i've a problem:
i need the "Red dressed guy" to stay alive or he wont call his god (the 1st)...

If you had similar experiences... let's talk about them...

PS do you know where i can find an eagle splendor scroll.. or an NPC who can write it? my Bard will thank u personally for any advice! :D :D
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Post by merlin333 »

The whole god encounter was overrated. I got pi**ed off at the god summoned by the dude, went into my protoed editor and made the god a small nothing 4 hit points and 2's in str, etc. I felt the god IUZ I think its name was, is an imbalancing of the game. It's better off without IUZ, or when he does show I can take him down with an ordinary daggar.
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Post by TreyNimbus »

Iuz and St

The battle of Iux wasnt all that hard on my first try..None of my charas died and St came in and sent him away while healing me...It was a fairly easy fight with a balanced party and high levels



Well its not possiable to kill St unless you hack your characters to have Godly strength and dex.But the only thing that you get from St is a mace thats kind of good, Not to my likeing though.The rest of the stuff he has is just full plate armor, Shoes, And gloves.Ig you want to fight St and attempt to kill him then 1st You have to kill everything before He leaves.....But even if that happens he will still kill chara's in a multi attack he has and its almost impossiable to hit him. And well he has ALOT of life. Iunno how much cause I one hited him with a hacked character.
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Post by ordnaryjones »

I'm not sure how much life iuz has but i killed him with my party, without cheating. It was one of the only times of used that super magic sword that always hits. I went in with intentions of killing him, so that probably made it a lot easier.
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Post by Eflat »

I've killed Iuz a few times before without hacking the game... He's only 16d10+101 hip points, and compared to most Gods he's weak - Stats are 28,18,18,18,20,18 - His magical and other resistance are what separates him from the mortals;-) You just have to pound the heck out of him while protecting yourself from his attacks best you could. I had a ranger manage to inflict some pretty high damages against with a Holy Shocking Burst Flaming mighty cleaving keen greatsword +3.

St. Cuthbert is impossible unless you hack the game.I never did attack him. He has 60d0+1000 hit points and with stats of 38,24,27,24,45,29 he's an extremely tough opponent.
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Post by FounderLeader »

St. Cuthbert is impossible unless you hack the game.I never did attack him. He has 60d0+1000 hit points and with stats of 38,24,27,24,45,29 he's an extremely tough opponent.[/QUOTE]

i Think he it is ALMOST impossible to kill him!

as i told u i've tryed many times, but, a part for the first time... St. Cuthbert always arrive a moment before i kill IUZ and he "save me"

do u know waht IUZ give u??? what Items i mean

How do u knows the exact stats of every one?
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Post by Eflat »

[QUOTE=FounderLeader]i Think he it is ALMOST impossible to kill him!

as i told u i've tryed many times, but, a part for the first time... St. Cuthbert always arrive a moment before i kill IUZ and he "save me" [/QUOTE]

You have to kill him quick - Cuthbert shows up within four rounds if the battle is going bad against you.

[QUOTE=FounderLeader]do u know waht IUZ give u??? what Items i mean[/QUOTE]

Nothing of importance just the clothes on his back... basically next to worthless. Although, it's a High xp credit - which again does not do you much good.

[QUOTE=FounderLeader]How do u knows the exact stats of every one?[/QUOTE]

Because I looked in the file;-) Basically I like to root around and tinker in code and data after I'm through with it. I'm a software engineer by trade.
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Post by FounderLeader »

Because I looked in the file;-) Basically I like to root around and tinker in code and data after I'm through with it. I'm a software engineer by trade.[/QUOTE]

Ok, Ok you got me!

so... you've been studying the game program for a long time... tell me... do you have any tip... is there any secret place or something like that?
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Post by silverdragon72 »


hmmm... - ...never get the Cuthbert encounter so far...

and only got Iuz cause I keep that cleric alive until he appears...

...sadly Iuz never survived more then 2 or 3 rounds...

...think I should also keep Iuz alive until Cuthbert appears - he could be a nice test for my party... :D :D :D

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Post by FounderLeader »


...think I should also keep Iuz alive until Cuthbert appears - he could be a nice test for my party... :D :D :D


I was Refering to the whole game in general

But..,. If u keep Iuz alive, as u certanely know, Cuthbert will "Save you" by takeing Iuz away and he will desapper.....

That's a very difficult one:
How can u kill a god if he runs away every time he sees u? :-)

what program do u use to... "have a look" of the game code?
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Post by silverdragon72 »

[QUOTE=FounderLeader]I was Refering to the whole game in general

But..,. If u keep Iuz alive, as u certanely know, Cuthbert will "Save you" by takeing Iuz away and he will desapper.....

That's a very difficult one:
How can u kill a god if he runs away every time he sees u? :-)

what program do u use to... "have a look" of the game code?[/QUOTE]

as said Iuz never survived more then 2 or 3 rounds after he appears and Cuthbert never appears this way - but someone in this forum has mentioned that's possible to fight Cuthbert...

...hmmm... - I will just try to keep Iuz alive and start attacking Cuth at once...

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Post by TreyNimbus »

fighting st

yea i posted that it is possiable to fight St. All you have to do is kill EVERY monster when ST. appears. Then st wont have a need totake iuz away cause everything is dead and he will just stand there like an idiot. Just kill ALL monsters when he appears and you should be able to fight him.Or you could just attack St. at the begining and have every monster come after you including him. But its best to fight st alone and full health with max life and such. Its truly impossiable to win a battle with St. unless you hack your chara's stats... St has a couple of attacks and also a whirlwind attack ( Talking around 15+ attacks this guy has) And i dont remember how much life he has but im sure its over 700 cause 0-300 damade his life thing was green.St has no good items cept for the mace which gives you a little more life and all, Not to special. I would of liked the mace better if it were the same size that St was using >.>;; Other then the mace he has full plate, boots, and gloves. Not to special. ;) Good luck surviving his wrath.
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Post by Eflat »

[QUOTE=TreyNimbus] And i dont remember how much life he has but im sure its over 700 cause 0-300 damade his life thing was green.[/QUOTE]

In this game 60d0+1000 or in other words 1100 to 1600 HPs ;) Now I don't recall it being that high in my ole Greyhawk box set :rolleyes:
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Post by FounderLeader »

[QUOTE=Eflat]In this game 60d0+1000 or in other words 1100 to 1600 HPs ;) Now I don't recall it being that high in my ole Greyhawk box set :rolleyes: [/QUOTE]

Sh*t, I've installed the "circle of 8" Patch, it is very usefull and correct many errors... maybe too many...

In fact Shetter, the holy sword you have from Tormell, no more is a 2 handed sword... it is now, as it should have been from the beginning, a Bastard Sword u must use it With 1 Hand!! meaning my fighter now geves an avarage of 20-30 HP damage x hit... It was 40-50 when i used it with 2 hands....

I think 20-30 hp x hit won't be enought to kill Iuz... Not to mention St.

Well let's hope 4 the best!!!
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Post by TreyNimbus »


I'd like to note that the prince's sword doesnt auto-hit St.Or well, Didnt for me...
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Post by FounderLeader »

[QUOTE=TreyNimbus]I'd like to note that the prince's sword doesnt auto-hit St.Or well, Didnt for me...[/QUOTE]


But Schetter does! :p
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Post by Mulligan »

Whether Fragarach hits anything automatically depends of the alignment of the user, if your Char. is C.Good it will auto hit any opponent, even Iuz and St.Cuthbert.

Iuz isn't hard if you are prepeared for the encounter, all the other monsters are my main problem. If you remove the Etiins, Giants & Mages first Iuz should go down if you put all your strenght at him. Also remember that he has 'reach'.

Now, St.Cuthbert is MUCH harder, and to even get into fighting modus with him is tricky, but you DON'T NEED TO HACK your PC's !! St.Cuth. doesn't have reach, and if you have a C.G. Fighter (or any other able to wield B.Swords) equipped with Fragarach and a potion of Invisibility and another with Scather and a potion you should do fine if you use the right spells.

I took him single handedly with my C.G. Cleric with B.Sword Feat by using the lvl 3 spell 'Meld Into Stone'. St.Cuthbert killed himself on the retaliating attacks from Fragarach.

Btw he had close to 1600 HP's and NO equipment of value. His Mace looks cool but is a quite ordinary nonmagical mace.

And as far as i know you don't get XP for killing either of the gods, please check your logbooks. I haven't installed the latest Atari patch yet, but before that you didn't get xp for monsters with a CR above 40/50 or so, and both Gods are above that.

Have Fun & kill Evil ;) ;) ;)
:mad: Oh, When all else fail, put the Dwarf up front!
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