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New to SoA

Post by Sveltlanna »


Ive played through BG when it first came out but ive yet to play through bg2. Ive had bg2 for a long time, but ive never really played it.

I have a question about duel classing. If I start out as a wizard slayer, and dual class to cleric at lvl 9, will I be able to use a belt or gauntlets to raise my strength? I have no mods at all, just the cd's which ive installed. Im not sure if I need any patches or not either.

Is that a good plan for the single player game? or should I consider another class.
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Post by araknid70 »

No, you won't be able to use magical items other than armor and weapons. Also remember that as a cleric you're restricted to blunt weapons, so any prof points put into non-blunt weapons will be wasted. However its not hopeless - Crom Faeyr gives 25 STR, is a weapon, and is blunt. If you don't want to use it as a main weapon keep it as an off-hand and use some other weapon in your main hand, though a wizard slayer would probably want a shield in the other hand, since he can't use magic items to boost AC.

However, why a fighter would need to boost strength is beyond me, honestly... unless, of course, you're talking about the Belt of Frost Giant Strength, which can only be found in the underdark, and will be probably be replaced by CFyr as soon as you get out.
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Post by nephtu »


Yoiu certainly CAN do that, but I wouldn't. Wizard slayers just never quite worked out in SoA - you could certainly do a fighter/cleric - dual or multi (Hint: Dwarf), your choice. In any case, I'd go flails, hammers, and dual wield

Now, if you do pisck a wizard slayer - with decent Dex, you can get a pretty reasonable AC sans shield, and dual around level 9 if you don't have ToB.

Ehatever you do, at minimum get the Bioware official patch, and I'd strongly recommend the Baldurdash fix pack.
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Post by Luis Antonio »

@Nephtu, at least they are hard and interesting solo, dontcha think?

@Sveltlanna, you should dual it to thief, have ToB and wait for Use Any Item. Then, the real potential of a wizard slayer shows of, cause with ***** in two handed swords, +100% magic resistance, Carsormyr and gear you just turn of the light and hack and slash anything you want. Not to mention backstab.
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Post by Sveltlanna »

thx for the advice.

i was asking because i wondered if i could have a weak base str. enhanced by items. since that isnt an option Ill concider a different approach.
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Post by nephtu »


In order to dual class, I think you need pretty reasonable stats in the prime attributes of both classes - in this case, a 15 STR and a 16 Wisom, IIRC.

Of course, luis is absolutley right: the Wizard slayer can be perfectly enjoyable, I just wanted to ensure no-one thought of it as a kit with much cheese potential.
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Luis Antonio
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Post by Luis Antonio »

[QUOTE=nephtu]In order to dual class, I think you need pretty reasonable stats in the prime attributes of both classes - in this case, a 15 STR and a 16 Wisom, IIRC.

Of course, luis is absolutley right: the Wizard slayer can be perfectly enjoyable, I just wanted to ensure no-one thought of it as a kit with much cheese potential.[/QUOTE]

Well, cheese is to be freely distributed to all classes and ages, so... :D

I even hacked one to a mage once. They are cool, specially without the XP Cap.
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