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Bloodmoon, Empire Co Quests

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Bethesda Softworks' The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind and its Tribunal and Bloodmoon expansion packs.
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Slick Fork
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Bloodmoon, Empire Co Quests

Post by Slick Fork »

Hi there, I've been working on the Empire Company quests. I've gotten to the one where you are supposed to kill all the Spriggans and I can't seem to finish it. I dispatched 4 or 5 on the East edge of town and have spent the last 3 hours scouring the countryside for strays and killing them. Despite all this I have not been able to get the journal entry to advance. Is there something I'm missing? I've even tried leaving to the mainland and coming back to see if reloading the area will do anything and still no dice. I've been all through the town using the detect creature spell constantly and all around for miles. I hate to ask for cheats, but I think i've hit a glitch somehow and just want to advance to the next quest. Is there a code or command to skip this one?
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Post by JesterKing »

that is a conundrum... every single spriggin was in that grove on the east side of town, no stragglers across the countryside. I think i had to wait around a while for some more to appear and charge me, but it was a maximum of six of them. Have you tried talking to Falco yet? you dont always get journal updates on everything... maybe try loading your last save point and trying over, as annoying as it is to do...
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Slick Fork
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Post by Slick Fork »

I found this on one of the walk-throughs in at Gamefaq's! I'll try it tonight and see if it works!!!

-- A fix (courtesy of PrincessKitten93)
I know a lot of people have been having trouble with the Spriggans that should
be (and aren't) spawning on the east edge of the colony. You can enter the
following commands in the console (hit ~) to spawn the four Spriggans you have
to kill.
placeatpc "BM_spriggan_co1" 1,1,1
placeatpc "BM_spriggan_co2" 1,1,1
placeatpc "BM_spriggan_co3" 1,1,1
placeatpc "BM_spriggan_co4" 1,1,1
Kill them, get the journal entry, and proceed on.
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Slick Fork
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Joined: Wed Mar 03, 2004 8:34 pm

Post by Slick Fork »

yep, that worked like a charm. Journal got updated and I'm moving on!
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