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Post by TRODTROD »

Ok, strange question i know. But how hard is it to make a character for the game? e.g. Kelsey or Chloe.

Also, how would you first go about doing it, lol

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Post by nephtu »


[QUOTE=TRODTROD]Ok, strange question i know. But how hard is it to make a character for the game? e.g. Kelsey or Chloe.

Also, how would you first go about doing it, lol


It's no more than moderatley difficult to make a basic joinable NPC given some programming skill, but takes a fair amount of work. You'll need the WeiDU dialog editor, infinity explorer, near infinity (or some such) if you want to edit/create any items or spells. There are some tutorials over at the major modding sites (Forgotten wars, etc.). The easiest way is probably to start by copying an NPC to a new name and editing them - like, say making, Exidor Janssen, the turnip golem trainer.

Good luck!
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Post by estaze »

Please let me know if you some good programs/tutorials etc.
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Post by TRODTROD »

i downloaded Weidu, read throug ha lot of the tutorials, no idea how to do anything but install it. Never mind, looks like ill have to stick with no decent fighters in the entire game.

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Post by nephtu »

[QUOTE=TRODTROD]i downloaded Weidu, read throug ha lot of the tutorials, no idea how to do anything but install it. Never mind, looks like ill have to stick with no decent fighters in the entire game.


No decent fighters? *boggle* Well you have two easy options avaialable - make your PC whatever it is you want, or hack an existing NPC into what you want with Shadowkeeper. If you want to tell us what you;re looking for, we can probably help you get there.
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Post by TRODTROD »

lol, basically BG2 pisses me off just for this fact, the game obviously wants you to be a fighter. But this time i didnt want to be, i decicded to be a paladin.

I can only find one fighter i can use, Mazzy, and the only melee things she has is one proficiency on short sword. I cant for obvious reasons use Korgan.

Hence, i DONT have fighter, but i so desperatly want one, one that i can have 5 profiency slots on long sword in the future or something. Sorry its just pretty annoying.

Basically my party is:

Me (Paladin)
Valygar ( Hide in Shadows
Mazzy (though shes starting to annoy me)
Aerie (cos she is a cleric and NOT jaheria)
Nalia (I like her, well, at the minute shes been kidnapped, but ill get her back)
Jan (Dont like him as a mage, but a damn good thief, however need Valygar for hide in shadows)

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Post by Vicsun »

How to make a fighter in five easy steps!

Step one: Download Shadowkeepr
Step two: Open your last save game
Step three: Change the class of one of the characters to a fighter
Step four: Change the level of said character to 0 while leaving XP unchanged
(Optional step four-point-five: redistribute attributes if necessery)
Step five: Click on the 'save' button, then load your edited savegame and level-up your fighter.

By the way, you seem to have three decent front-liners, which is more than an average party... If I were you I'd try using their individual strenghts - e.g. give mazzy a shortbow and start putting proficiencies in halbards or long swords, tap your paladin's potential by making him buff himself with all those wonderful cleric spells he has (draw upon holy might? holy power? champion's strengh? iron skins?), etc.
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Post by TRODTROD »

erm, and who exactly do i turn to a fighter?

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Post by Vicsun »

[QUOTE=TRODTROD]erm, and who exactly do i turn to a fighter?


I don't have shadowkeeper or BG2 installed at the moment, but once you load your savegame in shadowkeeper, there should be a "class" combo-box. Click on it and change the class to a fighter.
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Post by Luis Antonio »

Well, for some fun, make Nalia a fighter. :D

Full body armor, Psions blade, and lots of whining... :D
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Post by dragon wench »

You might also want to consider downloading Chloe. She dual-weilds a custom scimitar and a custom short sword (that improve as the game progresses), and she can have five proficiency slots in each. The only real catch is that you must have Imoen in your party in order for Chloe to stay.
Chloe's strength is initially a bit low (13), but she has a 25 dexterity, and as soon as you find a strength-enhancing item.. well she truly kicks butt :D Though you'd have to start your game over because you can only find Chloe in Chateau Irenicus.

Another option, perhaps your easiest bet, would be to simply begin a game in multiplayer mode. That way you can create as many of your own PCs as you want, adding the game NPCs as you see fit.

However, the best thing to do, as others have suggested, is to play the various joinable NPCs by focusing on their strengths. Mazzy is amazing with a short bow, Valygar can actually make a fine tank... etc. It's all about strategy, which is part of what makes this game so much fun ;)
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Post by TRODTROD »

god, you lot really have gone around the question there. Chloe for me is cheating due to the dexterity.

I dont like mazzy BECAUSE she is proficient in short bow and bearly anything else. True i will becoeme very hard with Wisdom 18 but I can still only have 2 proficicey slots. As for Valygar well i currently use 2 Katanas with him and while he can dish it out he gets hurt easily (obviously)

I know all about the multiplayer thing, been there done that.

It looks asthough i shall have to start levelling Mazzy up in something other than short bow.

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Post by glenfar »

As Vicsun mentioned, you can always use SK to modify the NPC's that are in your party. That's not limited to changing their class ... for example, take Chloe but reduce her Dex. Or keep Mazzy, but switch her proficiencies from short bow to short sword (or anything else you want, but I think short sword is more 'correct' from a role-playing perspective).
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Post by TRODTROD »

hmm this shadowkeeper is nice, i can see how someone can use it to cheat. lol

I may barelly cheat by changing Mazzy's profiencies.


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Post by Numinor »

Regarding Chloe's 25 dex...
keep in mind that she's no usual Kensai, as she can't dual to mage or thief.
So you won't be able to make one of those cheesy classes that practically negate the Kensai's armor restrictions.
All the benefit Chloe has becuase of 25 dex is a base AC of 4 (instead of 6 if you had 18 dex).
And if you think 2 AC is such a great advantage... use Shadowkeeper to lower it to 23 or whatever you want.
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Post by Ekental »

SK is a tool for cheating or possibly recovering from a game bug, so if you have compunctions about cheating, don't use it.
If you want to make a fighter without SK, just do it in multiplayer and import it into single player
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Post by Shadrach »

No good fighters?

What about Minsc? Or Keldorn? Or Korgan? Or Anomen? Minsc dual-wielding axes, Keldorn with Carsomyr, or Korgan/Anomen with Crom Faeyr all should take care of anything that's bothering you.

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Post by glenfar »

[QUOTE=Ekental]SK is a tool for cheating or possibly recovering from a game bug ...[/QUOTE]

I'd agree that SK makes it easy (and tempting) to cheat - but it doesn't have to be used that way. As you said, he could go into multi-player and custom create a fighter - and he'd probably end up with a much better one than Mazzy, even with her proficiences redistributed. So really, which method is 'cheating'?

On the one hand, you can create a whole custom party, exactly as you want it, from within the game itself. And on the other hand, you can use SK to modify the NPC's to give you that exact same party - just with a little personality to go with it.
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Post by Ekental »

Whatever, I personnally have no problem with SK at all, since Imoen is a Fighter dualed Assasin and Jaheira is a Fighter dualed druid, I'm just responding to quotes about cheating "Just a little"
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Post by glenfar »

To each there own ... personally, I don't agree with the official rules on some things, and see no problem with using SK to get around them if I want (most class restrictions come to mind here ...).

And on the other hand, the rules allow for a lot of things that I don't agree with (like being able to dual-class a Kensai ... actually I really don't think the whole dual-class thing in general makes any sense).
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