[QUOTE=Coot]One of the nice things about bards is they can use almost all weapons. A bard with a scroll of protection from magic and the mace of disruption +2 would make short work of Kangaxx.[/QUOTE]
Spell Immunity: Abjuration also works.
It has been so long since I've fought Kangaxx the "hard way" (with Melf's Minute Meteors and ordinary +4 weapons and so forth), I can't remember what it's like.
[QUOTE=Ekental]OK I thought kangaax was actually sort of immune to fire, and put up protection against magic weapons as well as a bunch of other crap, So I didn't think the Minute Meteor would actually work[/QUOTE]
I'm certain that Melf's Minute Meteors and Sunstone Bullets will hurt Kangaxx. I think it's because of the elemental damage. If your Blade uses Offensive Spin, every hit will do maximum damage (which isn't much, but it adds up when you have five attacks per round). However, upon further reflection, I think I was wrong about the other spells such as Fireball. Kangaxx is immune to all spells from 1st Level to 9th Level, and other Liches are immune to all spells from 1st Level to 6th Level; so aside from Melf's Minute Meteors, I can't remember which spells work and which ones don't. On second thought, I'm not even sure if Breach and Secret Word will work if the spell level limitation is in effect. Sorry.
(Of course, an 8th Level spell such as Incendiary Cloud works nicely against most Liches, but Bards can't cast that spell unless they read it from a scroll.)
As for protection spells, Kangaxx doesn't really need to cast any. In addition to his spell immunity, he is also immune to weapons that are +3 or less; he has 90% resistance to physical attacks; he regenerates 3 HP per round (because of his ring); and he can cast Imprisonment every round. What else does he need?

The only spell he uses that I can think of besides Imprisonment is the Demi-lich Howl. The trick is to use the proper protection and hit him as hard and fast as you can.
All of the Liches besides Kangaxx do cast an assortment of protection spells, including Stoneskin, Fireshield, Spell Turning, Mirror Image, and some kind of spell like Mislead or Shadow Door. If it's Shadow Door, I think Detect Invisibility will work; otherwise, you can use True Sight if your Bard is high enough in level to cast it. Melf's Minute Meteors will take down the Lich's stoneskins and bypass his magic resistance. If a Lich is using Spell Turning, the meteors will also hurt you own character, but you can avoid damage by using some kind of protection from fire. You ought the be using some kind of protection against fire, anyway, since Liches often cast Sunfire and sometimes Meteor Swarm, and some of them gate in a Pit Fiend who will also cast Fireball. Again, Melf's Minute Meteors combined with Offensive Spin (or Haste) will take down Liches fairly quickly, especially if several party members are using them.
If you have to deal with a Pit Fiend, you need Stoneskin, protection from fire, +3 weapons, and some way to improve your THAC0. All of those are available to Bards.
I'm sorry about the confusion. I'll have a better grip on spell properties and monster characteristics the next time I play.