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Scrolls and Souls.

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Scrolls and Souls.

Post by giles337 »

Well, i've decided to harvest a few daedra. where can i find a reliable source of soul gems/summon atronach/dremora scrolls.
if possible i'd love to try a golden saint, as long as the value of the gem+soul is more than the value of the soul gem and scroll.

if any of that made sense, plz give me a source of scrolls/soul gems
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Post by Shadrach »

Daedric shrines always have enormous numbers of Daedra wandering around, though usually Ogrims, Golden Saints, Hungers, Winged Twilights, Clannfear, Scamps, and Atronachs can only be found outside, while Daedroth and Dremora can be found inside and outside. If you take the offerings from the shrine, the guys outside will respawn, so you can save just inside the door and keep reloading until a Golden Saint or two show up.

As for your scrolls, just buy a Soul Trap spell. It doesn't take very much Mysticism to cast it with great success, and it's only 6 Magicka, so you can trap all you want, even if you're a completely magicless character.
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Post by giles337 »

now that wld be the clever thing. me having mystcism as a minor skill n all, and frequenting shrines.

i however decided to buy some scrolls of ffylugis-gem feeder, and travel the world looking for a scroll of summon flame atronach. ifeel sooo clever :rolleyes:
Mag: Don't remember much at all of last night do you?
Me: put simply.... No :D
Mag: From what I put together of your late night drunken ramblings? Vodka, 3 girls, and then we played tic-tac-toe and slapped each other around.
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Post by Shadrach »

Ooh! Even better idea! One of the spell merchants in Tel Branora, I believe, sells Summon Golden Saint. Simply have a high alchemy skill, and make tons of potions that boost your luck, which will allow you to make even better potions that boost your luck, so that it's in the 50,000 range. Then, using even more powerful potions that fortify your magicka, cast the spell repeatedly, trap it, then sell it.

Voila! It's that simple! :D
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Post by giles337 »

or, check this, i cld just train up my conjuration!! i wld still stand to make money???
Mag: Don't remember much at all of last night do you?
Me: put simply.... No :D
Mag: From what I put together of your late night drunken ramblings? Vodka, 3 girls, and then we played tic-tac-toe and slapped each other around.
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Post by Shadrach »

No no no. Make 400 potions of fortify luck. It's much simpler. :D
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Post by fable »

There's a chest off Seyda Neen, underwater, which I found recently. I don't think it was placed there by a mod. It contains a few weapons, several with moderate enchantments. One of them is called an "Ancient Sword," and it allows you to conjure a Frost Atronach. It's most interesting effect, though, is that when dropped, it summons a Daedric Lord.

I'll try running a console check (ORI) on the item when I get back to playing, and see if I can figure out whether it's associated with a mod, or not. If the latter, you might want to go skimming underwater right along the coast, looking for that chest.
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Post by JesterKing »

SOUL GEMS - best place to find them is in mournhold, craftsman's hall, upstairs, elbert nermac the enchanter. he has an unlimited supply of all sould gem types, and i am pretty sure he has ephys's gem feeder. i trained up my conjuration and use the mantle of woe and summon my own creatures... a good place for ogrims and golden siants are in the grazelands region. they are everywhere, and they carry nice things. the golden saints i mean.
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Post by lifeishell91 »

In Sadrith Mora, near the Council House there is a little Market Place and if you go up a 'vine' there will be a little Bosmer with odd looking brown hair, taunt him and kill, he carries a very cool amulet that summons a Flame Artronach for 120 secs!!! ;)

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Post by giles337 »

In Sadrith Mora, near the Council House there is a little Market Place and if you go up a 'vine' there will be a little Bosmer with odd looking brown hair, taunt him and kill, he carries a very cool amulet that summons a Flame Artronach for 120 secs!!!

that sounds the best idea so far, for sheer effortlessness :) thanks lifeishell91
(btw, cool avatar, i used to have it as my wallpaper, but i had to ghost my pc :mad: )

fable, ure idea is also preetty sweet, if it is not a mod (im on "the box") let me know, and if ossible some more detailed instructions.

and thanks jesterking, for inva;uble soulgem sources :)
Mag: Don't remember much at all of last night do you?
Me: put simply.... No :D
Mag: From what I put together of your late night drunken ramblings? Vodka, 3 girls, and then we played tic-tac-toe and slapped each other around.
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Post by lifeishell91 »

:D ***!~ Your Welcome ~!*** :D

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Post by Psi_RedEye22 »

Is there any way to cut out the middle man and just buy soul gems with souls already in them? :D
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Post by Dark Master »

Yes, BUT they will be extremely expensive if you want anything decent (for a CE item the cost will be 80,000 for the gem, plus a hell of a lot for the enchantment).

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Post by lifeishell91 »

Other than the Enchanter in the Mages Guild in Balmora (which are very easy pickings) you should go to the Telvanni Council House in Sadrith Mora, if you go in then turn right and go down, very far down till the the first landing you get to, go to the right and there will be an enchanter who sells soul gems, you can steal them easily off the shelf, there are like 3 or 4 with souls in there :D :D :D

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Post by beornica »

Most enchanters sell full soul gems. Off the top of my head, I can think of both the caldera and the Balmora mage's guild. Balmora, especially is wonderful, since you can get them free. Just join the guild and do one or two quests for Ajira before she asks you to go upstairs and put a fake soul gem in the desk while whatsherface is gone. While you're there, you can just take all the rest as well!
The guy in Caldera has quite a few too, I think, but he won't barter with you until you're a high rank in the mage's guild. Why not just go on a soul trapping spree, though? There's so much more satisfaction in it! Don't worry, you *probably won't* get killed by a big, bad daedra...
you know what they say about all work and no play...
It's totally not worth the monetary rewards!!!
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Post by lifeishell91 »

I try to go in these Soul-Trapping spree's, but I prefer to summon my own yummy daedra, hehe, meals on wheels ;) Except that they don't turn up on wheels, just with eerie yellow smoke.......lame joke. :o :rolleyes: :p
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Post by Garthdawg »

[QUOTE=Psi_RedEye22]Is there any way to cut out the middle man and just buy soul gems with souls already in them? :D [/QUOTE]

Who's the middleman in this scenario? You?

Well, if you really wanted to take the shortest path, you could cut out the whole enchanting process and you could buy/loot already enchanted items. They might not be exactly what you want, but they're typically a lot cheaper and easier to get to. Some of them are definitely way more powerful than you could enchant. And a lot of things that people make CE don't need to be, like water breathing, slowfall, sanctuary and chameleon. Restore health is a bit trickier because you typically need that mid-combat, but often the magnitude is much larger. It's just a little bit of a pain to have to pull out a ring or amulet and cast it occasionally.
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Post by giles337 »

[QUOTE=lifeishell91]I try to go in these Soul-Trapping spree's, but I prefer to summon my own yummy daedra, hehe, meals on wheels ;) Except that they don't turn up on wheels, just with eerie yellow smoke.......lame joke. :o :rolleyes: :p [/QUOTE]

lol, smoke, joke. your a poet, don't i know it. it's a crime not to rhyme! (for continuity's sake i will continue this whole post in rhyming couplets)

|i like your pic |
|it's pretty wick (ed) | <--- to lifeishell91

thanks for the tips
i'll make some hits

on monsters bad
then i'll be glad

with super stuff
ive said enough :D
Mag: Don't remember much at all of last night do you?
Me: put simply.... No :D
Mag: From what I put together of your late night drunken ramblings? Vodka, 3 girls, and then we played tic-tac-toe and slapped each other around.
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