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Fallen Paladins and Mage stronghold

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Fallen Paladins and Mage stronghold

Post by Jurosementalistile »

Two questions. First, where the hell do you find the fallen Paladins? I was told to go to the bridge district, but where in the bridge district? I've looked around, but I can't find them.
Secondly (Careful, this is in regard to the Mage stronghold and may tell you some things you don't want to know)

Is there a chance that each item your apprentices create will fail, or is it set for certain items? The first item went fine (Some crappy dagger). Then for a scroll I chose meteor swarm (is it always meteor swarm, a random ninth level spell or a completely random spell?). When I got back the female blew herself up Image Then I chose a ring of wizardy, which was the second most dangerous items of those available. When next I returned the other two both died. I loaded up the auto-save and the same thing happened again. Does anyone know what the story is? What have been your experiences? Any help would be appreciated Image
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Post by katrina »

Hi there-

My first two apprenti items went ok- I forgot the order of them but I ended up with the wand of the apprenti (REALLY nice when you aren't in enclosed spaces) and a Horrid Wilting scroll. Then for the third time I went for the hardest one- some rod of power I beleive- cost a fortune but I was in the cash spending mood. Blew all three of them up in one fell swoop. I wasn't too upset since going to check up on them was a big huge pain in the butt and I didn't know how much longer I was going to hae to put up with them (I know they said it was the last one but you never know with them sneaky Cowled Wizards) I did worry for a moment if those obtuse Wizards would take my stonghold from me (they didn't.)
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Post by Maurice »

As for the Bridge District: check your Athkatla city map, the Bridge District is somewhere in the center, shaped like a ... well, a bridge! For the Fallen Paladins, many people have torn out their hairs, so I'll spare you that torment. When you enter the map, follow the wall to the SouthEast, behind the building directly south of you.

As for the Mage Stronghold: my brother posted a walkthrough for that one recently, although I don't recall in which topic. If he is nice enough, he'll repost it. Otherwise, I'll ask him where he put it. In the mean time, you can also check out some topics that *might* be relevant, fair chance he posted it there.
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