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Extending boundaries

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Bethesda Softworks' The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind and its Tribunal and Bloodmoon expansion packs.
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Extending boundaries

Post by Psi_RedEye22 »

Well, for the 5th time, I've completed the game (Main quest). I'm aware of bloodmoon at level 30. But i'm level 18, what the heck can I do to gain levels until then?
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Post by lifeishell91 »

What I like to do is just explore, run around in the wilderness, I always find sweet things if I do that. Go off the paths and don't bother with quests, I always have a hell of a time :D :D :D !!!
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Post by fable »

PC or Xbox? If the latter, do as Lifeishell suggests, and just check out the whole countryside, with an emphasis on tombs and the like. If PC, mod your game. There are some huge quest mods out there, and both 50-level and 100-level dungeon mods, as well.
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Post by Gwalchmai »

I went to Bloodmoon at level 20, and I found the difficulty to be very pleasing. :)
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Post by giles337 »

i too was advised too do it at lvl 20, and am finally nearly there, (having had to constantly restart games due to inadvertantly wearing indoril, or killing a guard or twi and being hated) so i hope i can do it at 20.
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Post by Garthdawg »

I just got Bloodmoon. Do you really need to be that high to go? I figured that proficiency in an armor, a weapon and a decent magic school is all that you'd need there. Well, I guess that's somewhere around 15 levels, so that's kinda high. I guess it depends on how you level?
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Post by Dark Master »

I'd recomend 250 hitpoints, but thats just me. Also depends what you want to do. I often go there at about level 15, which advances me about 3-5 levels and do Raven Rock, returning at level 30 to tackle the main quest of Bloodmoon.

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Post by beornica »

Shoot, I went there at level 7 once! Being in Solstheim sure is a good way to level up veeery veeeery quickly! The only thing that made me want to shoot myself were those spriggans. Friggin spriggans....
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Post by Slick Fork »

I hit bloodmoon at about level 18. I was pretty weak there as my character for this game is a thief/minor magic user and I had concentrated most of my level ups to this point on speed and agility. I made it through though and by the end I was a pretty strong warrior as well! I think if you have a fighter based character, you would probably be alright starting in at about level 15 (minimum) but if you're more magic/stealth oriented I would wait until your in the low 20's at least!
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Post by blake »

THose werewolves sure do pack a punch though. Its good to have alot of hitpoints so you can take there damage. Or the amulet of shadows so you can turn invisible and they cant see you :D
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Post by JesterKing »

you dont have to do any quest, and go invvisable around spriggins... i like getting the armor etc that is in slostheim and bring it back to vvardenfel at a very early level... 4 or 5 sometimes. the dangers arent that great.
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Post by lifeishell91 »

[QUOTE=JesterKing]you dont have to do any quest, and go invvisable around spriggins... i like getting the armor etc that is in slostheim and bring it back to vvardenfel at a very early level... 4 or 5 sometimes. the dangers arent that great.[/QUOTE]

Yea, I do pretty much the same except for going there so early, I make a CE ring of Invisibility which helps whenever I explore, in Vvardenfall, Solstheim, Mourhold (in the Sewers) etc.
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