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Big Problem

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to BioWare's Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn.
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Big Problem

Post by Danbacksli »

Ok heres the deal i think my game is royally screwd. In all my baldurs gate games theres the same problems. Everyone appears busy and i cant talk to them, so i have to leave the area all together and then go back just to talk to them. Waiting doesnt help. Next problem, in the Umar Temple when i get the three pie pieces to make the symbol of amentor guy the pieces just disappear altogether from my inventory. Its like they were never there. Nothing on the ground either. Third problem, in the asulym dungeon (area 2 i think, the place with the big pink crystal) where do you get the piece of crystal i have searched eveywhere and its not there. If you are supposed to pick it off the crystal itself its not letting me.
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Post by SP101 »

Everyone appears busy and i cant talk to them, so i have to leave the area all together and then go back just to talk to them. Waiting doesnt help.
Download the lastest Bioware patch : It'll resolve this problem! :)
ext problem, in the Umar Temple when i get the three pie pieces to make the symbol of amentor guy the pieces just disappear altogether from my inventory. Its like they were never there. Nothing on the ground either.
For this one I have no clues... If you collected the 3 parts and a bug ruined the quest... just use SK to spawn an Amaunator Symbol. It isnt really cheating because you were victim of a bug...
Third problem, in the asulym dungeon (area 2 i think, the place with the big pink crystal) where do you get the piece of crystal i have searched eveywhere and its not there. If you are supposed to pick it off the crystal itself its not letting me.
You're supposed to take it automatically when you kill the "Kobold Chaman"... So use ShadowKeeper if you want it...


Try to download the Bioware and BaldurDash patches...
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Post by Nightmare »

Make sure you check ALL of your character's inventories for the crystal, too. IIRC, it goes to either your nearest character or your main character.

Same with the symbol.
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