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Post by lifeishell91 »

I have started the East Empire Co. and I am up to the part where I have to get the Starlhiem Pick from some Nords and Pick some Starheim and give it the guy Im workin for (forgot the name). Well I killed the Nords before I strated the East Empire Co. but I still have the pick and I went and got myself a piece but there is no topic for the guy I work for to give it to him, can anyone help me?

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Post by JesterKing »

Falco... i dont know, talk about assignments maybe, and if that doesnt work then talk about everythign on the list. i remmebre him being particualryl unrepsonsive aabout the whole stalrhim thing.... sorry i wasnt mauch help on it. there might be nothign you can do.
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Post by Dark Master »

[QUOTE=lifeishell91]I have started the East Empire Co. and I am up to the part where I have to get the Starlhiem Pick from some Nords and Pick some Starheim and give it the guy Im workin for (forgot the name). Well I killed the Nords before I strated the East Empire Co. but I still have the pick and I went and got myself a piece but there is no topic for the guy I work for to give it to him, can anyone help me?

!!!~ PlEaSe HeLp Me ~!!![/QUOTE]

You're screwed. If you're working for the guy in the fort your journal updates after you kill them for him, and until it does you can't progress, if you're working for Falco it won't update until after they give you the pick, so you again, cannot progress if you've already killed them. :( I'm sorry to be the bringer of bad news like this... maybe somebody knows a way around it but as far as I know, there's no way of fixing this if you're on X-Box.

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Post by lifeishell91 »

It's alright, I tried and finished Raven Rock with a different character to see if have a nervous break down was worth it over Raven rock and I can see it is not to my taste (Raven Rock that is). Thanx anyway ;) !!!
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Post by beornica »

Aww, that's a shame. I love my little Raven Rock. In fact, I just love Solstheim (though I think the bristlebacks are about as wonderful as we all think cliffracers are, considering how often I meet with them... grrr)
Ah well. You're still gonna do the Solshtheim main quest, though, right? It's thunderful!
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Post by Dark Master »

I tend to try and do Solstheim last since I like to take the more... interesting route, and you can't get that cured afterwards I don't think. While its fun, it can be very restricting.

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Post by beornica »

Ahhh, I've never played as a wolfie. I should do that. It definitely sounds like fun. What's your attack like as a werewolf? Can you do a lot of damage with just your claws?
you know what they say about all work and no play...
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Post by Shadrach »

DM, you can get it cured.... relatively easily. I've never personally taken the lycanthropic route, but various walkthroughs detail the process.
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Post by Dark Master »

I'm looking for them now.... Thank you very much. :)
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Post by lifeishell91 »

I play as an outcast so I don't do the Main Quests, I just love roaming around Solstheim and always finding very interesting goodies, I think you all should try it, ignore any quests you have at all and try and just run around, prctice marksman from very far, go into very creepy cave and (nearly) die!

I also love to terrorise the Skaal village, first I kill all the guards and then I torture every single member of the village seperatly, I first put them in that little fenced area and call upon the Clanfeir(sp) and Bonewalker and you can kinda geuss what happens from there ;)
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