Im sure everyone out there is sick of this question but Im stuck in level 2 of the Black Wolf Temple. Ive read these forums and also checked the walkthrough and Im still stuck! I cant seem to open the required doors or find area 9 as shown on the walkthrough. I am carrying the Snactum Key, the Gate Key and the Priests Key, Ive trawled the area with a thief and an elf in case theres a secret door, all with no luck.
If I had any hair left Id pull it out!
Any help gratefully appreciated
Vale of Shadows help please
I'm not sure exactly which area you are talking about, but there was one place where I really got stuck, and maybe it's the same place where you are stuck. Simply put, I couldn't figure out how to open a big door that leads to the west. The problem was, I couldn't find the lever I was supposed to pull. Here's a description of where the lever is located. In the middle of the map, there are three columns that form the corners of a triangle. The lever is on the left side of the eastern column. If you stand back from the map, you can see that there's sort of a green arrow pointing to it. I think you can pull the lever when you find a Talisman, but I can't remember all of the keys to that place.
Good luck!
Good luck!
lol. GJ shadows. I got stuck on the same part because I had forgotten where the black wolf talisman was...I'm at the next part of the game right now (Dragon's Eye) and I'm at the last boss but she will not die...been 3 days now 
"They are not "Snake People" you ignorant pig. They are Yuan-Ti. Faithful servants and worthy heirs of the kingdom I will leave behind once my business is done."