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Romance Help! (Who will romance a sex change victim anyway?)

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to BioWare's Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn.
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Romance Help! (Who will romance a sex change victim anyway?)

Post by Eadaii »

Ok, my character (a half-elf, so I don't think there are racial restrictions with romancing), started out at the beginning of BG II as a male character. However, I still had the belt of gender bender on me from the first game, and some time in Irenicus' dungeon, I put it on, and was transformed into a girl (and now the belt's permanently stuck). So I look like a girl (and I changed the sound set and portrait to girl's so it would make more sense), but I read something about genders being pre-determined at the beginning of the game, so you're still considered a guy even with the belt. But I just want to know- who will romance me? Will Anomen romance me because I look like a girl, or can I still get the girls to romance me, because deep down I'm a guy (and the game probably considers me one). And no, I don't want to go back to the beginning and ditch the belt, so I just want to know how my romance can play out with my currently cursed character. Please help!
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Post by Bloodstalker »

Romances should be what you would expect from a male PC. The gender switch is basically just a curse, as a remove curse will remove the belt. The only change is the appearance of the character.
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