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This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to BioWare's Neverwinter Nights, its Shadows of Undrentide and Hordes of the Underdark expansion packs, and any user-created or premium modules.
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Post by tiptoer »

where do u guys regularly play at and which modules would u recommend
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Post by Xandax »

I haven't played much but the official modules (NwN, SoU and HotU) - save the Witchs Wake module (also an Bioware module).
So, when I play(ed) single player - I stuck with the official moduels.

I occasionally play multiplayer on a world called Argyle Online.
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Post by Sabre »

Here's a few that I reccommend:
- Shadowlords and Dreamcatcher - there's also a third series coming, continuing the story of the first two.
- Maugeter - a good role playing module - too bad it's only a demo, have no idea how long it will be for the final version to come out.
- The Paladin series (if you're into playing Paladins), Twilight and Midnight - the third and last module of the series is Dawn, unfortunately it have not yet been completed (and the creator is not sure about whether or not he will finish it).
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