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Community? (flame lightly)

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Post by C Elegans »

I hope I'm not straying away too far from the issue here, but I do agree with Aegis statement above that this is not so much a question of the presence or absence of a community as the illusion of a community. I've been a member of GB for 3.5 years now, and over this time I have seen many changes and consequent complaints about those changes. Worries that SYM is dying, complaints about SYM "not being what it once was" and nostalgia about "the good old days" are, at SYM as in human life in general, a common response to spontaneous change.

Contrary to several other posters in this thread, but in agreement with Robnark I don't think "net anonymity" plays a role in what people percieve as negative change here at SYM. On the contrary, it is logical to assume that people were more anonymous to each other in the early days of SYM than now. Like I posted in DW's net anonymity thread, there is always a sender and a receiver of communication, and some people might show blunted sensitivity, others increased, and some the same as in RL both as senders and receivers. The netto effect of this is IMO that the "sensitivity" at group level is the same as in RL. Instead, I think the core features of the perceived deterioration of SYM lies in discrepancy between expectation and outcome, and changes that are perceived as loss.
Aegis wrote:It also leads into the idea of the clique mentality. He also touches on something I brought up some time ago, in the 'Is SYM dying' thread (too lazy to link, will do so if asked, though :o ), in that there is very much an elitest attitude here.
I searched for your post, but I couldn't find it, so I'd be thankful if you could link to it since I would find it interesting to read. I agree with you that a clique-mentality has formed at SYM, which is why I posted about subgroups and in- versus out-group behaviours above. When a group of people grow large enough (usually around 30+ people or so), subgroups tend to form spontanously, and as soon as you have more than one group, in- and out-group behavious will set in. A very common human in-group behaviour is to apply different sets of values towards ingroup members than towards outgroup members - and voila there you have created a "we and them"-behaviour. This inevitable creates a barrier between old and new users, that makes it more difficult for new users to find acceptance. In-group behaviours tend to marginalise others, newcomers as well as people with ideas that are not shared by the in-group. So if we want a forum which encourages new users to become regular posters and actively express themselves, in-group behaviours are not helpful.
Chanak]In all cases - on SYM wrote:
Exactly, and this is why I am very much against the idea that an open forum such as SYM should have any other rules than those stated in the Forum rules. Implicit, unspoken rules of how one should behave to be accepted, only provide a barrier for new users who are not familiar with those rules, and they also marginalise everybody who does not behave according to the majority (or the norm-setting groups) values. In RL, this is called conformism and whereas conformism in both necessary and desired for instance in the traffic, I personally find it highly undesirable at an open internet forum entitled "Speak Your Mind". I may experince some discomfort when I see various people here post that they think evolution never happened, that poor people in the development countries have themselves to blame or that the slaughtering of civilians in poor countries were noble and heroic acts committed by various Western countries that only aimed to help out, but gee - if I didn't tolerate that kind of comments and opinions, I would quit posting here. Nobody is forcing me to read those posts, even less reply to them. Variability, not homogenity, is one of the key attractions with SYM in my opinion - if I only want to discuss with people who share my views and I expect everybody to uncritically accept my opinions and values, then I should look out for a fan-club for myself rather than SYM.
Lost One]I just did a quick scanning through other threads to see if I'm right about this wrote:
I totally agree with Lost One about the board being much more positively interpreted as an old user than as a new. This is also one reason why I against the idea of implicit rules and creating a community out of SYM, since I think this would add even more difficulties to incorporation of new members - the new members that are necessary if we want keep this forum alive and developing rather than increasingly stale.

However, I previously asked Thantor this question but he made it clear that he did not refer to change, so instead I ask it to you who have posted who do refer explicitely to a change: (DW, Chanak, Lost One, Aegis): Could you in greater detail describe what you refer to when you talk about "callous disregard" or "critisism...that can very much be intimidating" or "posts being picked apart by moderators and veterans alike"? I would also be thankful if anyone could post examples, because I really don't get it. Lost One gives a description that I can understand, but the other comments I can't relate to. Now, I haven't posted much the last few months except for quite recently, but I certainly don't think the general atmosphere in discussions have become more aggressive or hostile or "callous". The things people could say to each other in the old politics, religion and morality threads are IMO far more hostile than anything posted here in recent time that I have read. Chanak even suggests that "there was a time when such unpleasantness was dealt with, and removed promptly".

This is an example of an old discussion between two users:
How dare you make such a sweeping (and condescending) generalization about the motivations of the other 190 nations on the planet. Don?t presume to speak for the US either. I, for one, am embarrassed to share this country with someone willing to voice such ugly xenophobic comments and wallow in such holier-than-thou ignorance.

Theatrical and meaningless insults aside, what exactly are you disputing in my statement?

You know, I believe you sincerely don?t understand what I find so offensive. To me, it just further underscores your pathology. I?m all for debate, but not with the willfully ignorant.
These statements were not removed, and did not lead to neither warnings from Mods or banning of any of the members. I could post numours such examples from old debates. Right after the 9/11 WTC attack, it was a lot of emotions flying around here. Right after the US invasion of Iraq there were many political discussion. But when I look back at the last months, I see fewer hot debates than for instance 1 year I really don't understand what exactly the sense of increased hostility or unpleasant behaviours referrs to.
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Post by Xandax »

When I think back to some of the religious debates that have always been on GB/SYM, ranging years back - I don't think the discussions has gotten worse or deteriorated per se.
I just think it is because more topics hit "closer to home".

Many of us aren't terrible religious here at SYM (based on what I can see in discussions, could be wrong though :D ).
So we (us non-religious) have a large emotional/personal distance to topics regarding it. And thus this large group might not be provoked as much by statements or attitudes, opinions and so on. Consequently - many will only feel slightly disturbed if the language got a little harsh in such discussions or opinions became “strong”. It is hard to insult somebody in a topic they don’t really care about, personally/emotionally.
However, to the people that are religious, they likely would feel more “offended” because it is a topic they are emotionally involved in…..

Lately (especially after 9/11), however we have seen a move towards more political discussions.

Unlike religion, many of us have opinions of for instance US foreign politics or terrorist attacks. Many feel the direct consequence of actions taken in regards of these topics, and many are also emotionally involved.
Thus discussions about these topics will affect a larger group of people, and therefore more will now perceive the harsh language and strong opinions.

I think the “deterioration” of SYM is not only relative, but also personal perspective, in light of the topics that are discussed.
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Post by VonDondu »

[QUOTE=C Elegans]This is an example of an old discussion between two users:
I'm just curious: did you recently look up those examples, or do you keep them "on file"? :)
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Post by Kayless »

I’m not going to respond with anything academic or debate the meaning of the word community etc. I'm just going to say honestly how I feel. Yes, to me the forum no longer feels like the community it used to. Most of the people I was most comfortable chatting and B.S.-ing with are gone, the atmosphere is not much to my liking and I no longer feel as comfortable here as I used to. :( I'm not really sure why I've stuck around (since I mostly just lurk these days). Force of habit I guess. :o
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Post by CM »

I wont say much on ther issue, as i consider myself and have always considered myself an outsider on SYM. Doesnt matter to me really. Personal choice.

Anyway i think the change in SYM has basically been too much intelligence and not enough stupidity. Ie too much discussion not enough spam. SYM was meant for fun and relaxing and just spamming. Now it is for intellectual discussions and the spamming is on the brink.

Me and Luis have to do something about that seriously.

Kayless an off topic question you think that the DC forum more resembles SYM that used to be?
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Post by Lost One »

Now, I haven't posted much the last few months except for quite recently, but I certainly don't think the general atmosphere in discussions have become more aggressive or hostile or "callous".

I agree. My points were that there is more hostility and criticism towards newer members than there used to be, at least from, say, 2 years ago & going back. It surprised me after coming back to SYM to see the same faces commanding the threads and discussions...this is not a bad thing per se, but it suggests the newer members are having a hard time integrating, and from what I've read generally, they are on the receiving end of too much criticism from the veterans which is the "backlash" Aegis mentioned. I really don't like to cite examples, but take the thread 'The Great Man' for example (currently at the first page). Firstly, Armycardinal then Gauda gets bashed by the vets for having their own opinions. Sure, there was good reason behind the criticisms towards these two young posters, but I question the way in which the criticism was carried the sense that it gave me a feeling their opinions, wrong or not, were not being appreciated...and thus, they were being disencouraged to speak more. I mean, everyone who comes to speak here is obviously trying to be a part of the thread discussion, if not the community, so when their posts start getting analysed/criticised left and right by veterans without consideration to the contribution they are trying to make...then, yes, I think there is a problem there. Though, like I've said before, you have to take my comments with a pinch of salt, since they are just my personal opinions.

Going back to the deterioration of the community specifically...not sure if these have been mentioned yet, but reading the 'Is SYM dying?' thread made me think about how everything has become more serious, and like has been mentioned already, how the lack of something (like BG2) to unite us means there is a lack of common interest. However, if you think about it, there is a common interest, and that is we all want to speak and be heard. I think that's a start. Image
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Post by Xandax »

Re-reading "The Great Man" I have to disagree with you @Lost One.
The people you mention aren't being "bashed by the vets for having their own opinions"

Most of what goes on is getting the "facts" behind posts taken to pieces, it isn't the opionions that are adressed, but the "facts".
It might seem like a fine line to some (especially the ones that experience it), but it is the essential part of discussing, especially in real life, where you are less likely to be able to "dodge" direct questions as you are on a media where you choose to answer or not, to ignore posts or not.

But maybe there is a sort of "home-field advantage" to thoes that have debated here at SYM for a longer time.
Unlike many other places I've visted on the web, debating here is done much based on facts and/or personal experiences, and less on insults and flames or even "I remember having read...."-statements.
This have possible done that some "oldies" are more carefull/experienced with posting what they can back up, then newcommers that aren't used to such debates, and thus are more likely to post semi-factual stuff. And this might again look like that newcommers are "bashed" more. Now - I have no real way of knowing this, because I don't experience it much (most seems to overlook my posting :D ) - but based on what you (and others?) say/feel it could be a possible answer to it.

And, by the way, if people feel they are being bashed, there are actions to take (PM Moderators (or Buck if it is a moderator) or the person they feel is bashing them). We have had many "oldies" banned in the time of SYM because they stepped over the line. There is little to no favoratisme from Buck on the matter, and I know I for one try to avoid that also.

@CM: you are no outsider :rolleyes: - you are more insider then even me :p
You just have the "(dis)advantage" of being on the other side of many issues due to religious background, compared to many of the rest of us. I doubt you would be considered an outsider simply for that.
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Post by CM »

@CM: you are no outsider :rolleyes: - you are more insider then even me :p
You just have the "(dis)advantage" of being on the other side of many issues due to religious background, compared to many of the rest of us. I doubt you would be considered an outsider simply for that.[/QUOTE]

Off topic but that is BS. I am an outsider :p dont you start messing with my idea of my identity :p
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Post by Luis Antonio »

[QUOTE=CM]Off topic but that is BS. I am an outsider :p dont you start messing with my idea of my identity :p [/QUOTE]

Yeah, dont mess with him, he may get nervous... :D

We are commun, but I think SYM is scattered between a few groups, who close the doors to newbies. Like me.
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Post by CM »

Hey i met with you open arms and well only open arms if you want that type of attention go to BS :D

But i doubt people in general didnt rebuff you for being a newbie. Atleast i dont think. I have noticed alot of people are also very busy in real life and spend little time on SYM and many have out grown it. I guess like everything SYM has out lived its usefulness.
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Post by Lost One »

We are commun, but I think SYM is scattered between a few groups, who close the doors to newbies. Like me.

E você tem orgulho disso?

translation: And you're proud of this?

I ask this because of the boldness of your statement which seems to suggest you don't mind 'closing the doors to newbies'.

Anyway, this is probably my last post on this. I guess it is only natural for small groups to take hold of small forums (this goes for chat rooms too) for their own use. You see it all the time. Like Thantor mentioned in the beginning of the thread, I do believe it does have something to do with 'feeding individual egos'.

This is why in places of online chatting rooms, you have many, many rooms to choose from where you can speak that you don't come to the same 1 room that is commanded by the same group of people like what can be observed here. It's like I have only one option here, which is to suck up to the people in social groups so I can actually gain respect and feel more free to actually speak my mind. And when threads come along like Luis Antonio's "CM Kingdom" or "Weasel embarks on his mission to lead..." which to my opinion, goes against rule #5 and #8 of the forum, in the sense that it is made for explicit spamming and does not have any useful content...I'm once again reassured that the moderators are lenient towards this because of the elitist groups that have liberty of what they do/say.

I think it's a shame personally. Anything discussed in a public forum like this one should not exclude other members...but as it does, you'll get what has been happening until now. Small-time posters like me coming up to post things and then being 'intimidated' or just simply put down by the elitist groups.

I still have it fresh in my mind the light spam thread by Maharlika, "If Men are NOT from Mars..." where Mah said a certain post of mine was spam, which in fact, it wasn't...and even had it been, it seems the moderators have no problem with veterans about spamming. Just take a look at the amount of spam in just about every thread where the topic will usually stray off to talk about EC, COMM, or whatever it is that goes on. :rolleyes:

Anyway, now that I am officially the forum villain for saying all this, heh, I think I'll just go back to posting in the game forums where there are no preferential attitudes and everyone is pretty much equal. :cool:

EDIT: I'd just like to add a PS...which is that I'm not particularly sorry for the dying of SYM as the vets are putting it. When you're not lenient towards new bloods or friendly towards them, then you are leaving the heart (the forum, in this case) to run on old blood which will eventually not prove sufficient. The way for evolution is for change to happen...and threads like 'Anomen Experiment' and all that nostalgic mambo jambo suggest the vets are clinging to the past and not allowing the forum to evolve. :)

I'm bad. Image
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Post by dragon wench »

[QUOTE=Lost One]And when threads come along like Luis Antonio's "CM Kingdom" or "Weasel embarks on his mission to lead..." which to my opinion, goes against rule #5 and #8 of the forum, in the sense that it is made for explicit spamming and does not have any useful content...I'm once again reassured that the moderators are lenient towards this because of the elitist groups that have liberty of what they do/say.[/QUOTE]

The Speak Your Mind Forum was created precisely to allow for an environment in which most topics can be addressed, and moreover the forum also allows for socialising. Indeed, the forum was created specifically so those who were getting to know one another in the gaming forums (notably BG2) could have a place to chat generally without spamming those areas up.
Spam in SYM is therefore defined somewhat differently, as I understand it anyway. As an example, erm (sorry Aegis :D ) threads that are simply a successive listing of spelled out numbers designed to increase post counts.

Spam in SYM is also frowned upon when general conversation or otherwise unrelated material occurs in a thread that has a clearly designated subject.
Check out the link to this sticky at the top of SYM which will further clarify what I mean. ... hp?t=14427
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Post by Lost One »

I have read the specific rules already DW, I just didn't think they overruled the general forum rules, for example, #8.

Anyway, that is another discussion. Read the part that I added at EDIT: in my last post which is relevant to the thread about why I think this community has gone downhill.

To put a long story short, this forum is not newbie friendly. I'm outta here now. ;)
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Post by Chanak »

[QUOTE=Luis Antonio]Yeah, dont mess with him, he may get nervous... :D

We are commun, but I think SYM is scattered between a few groups, who close the doors to newbies. Like me.[/QUOTE]

*Drill Sergeant voice mode* Why you disgusting little newbie! You infintesmally small piece of pond scum floating around in a sewage treatment pool! Who gave you permission to post? Who authorized you to think? Are you feeling frisky???*end voice mode* :D ;)

All kidding's natural in a way for us to gravitate into groups of like-minded people, even here on the internet. That's to be expected, I think. Some groups, by their nature, are more open and accepting. Others can be more exclusive and all depends upon the underlying framework of the group and why it formed in the first place. Is it a group of people who enjoy tossing around silly jokes and who enjoy having a good time? That's where one will often find the quickest acceptance. I think of the SLURR threads and spam in the old days and the fact that anyone could jump in and join the spamming. Beldin, Eery, Ode, and others were more cavalier and jovial than most others here with the threads they created, and just about anyone could find a place in the madness (as long as they weren't a grump ;) ). Then, of course, there is Weasel. :eek:

It's more of an issue of group personalities than any penchant for exclusion, I think. These days we are looking at SYM bereft of much of what it once possessed. I know for myself, I simply don't have the inner energy to write in the DFs at this time, nor spam like I used to. Yet I still remain here, perhaps out of habit, hoping to see some of the people I had come to know here post once in a while...

Sleepy. If you're out there reading this, you lurker, a pox on you. :p
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Post by Xandax »

[QUOTE=Lost One]E você tem orgulho disso?

translation: And you're proud of this?

I ask this because of the boldness of your statement which seems to suggest you don't mind 'closing the doors to newbies'.

He defines himself as a newbie, which would likely answer you question.

[QUOTE=Lost One]
Anyway, this is probably my last post on this. I guess it is only natural for small groups to take hold of small forums (this goes for chat rooms too) for their own use. You see it all the time. Like Thantor mentioned in the beginning of the thread, I do believe it does have something to do with 'feeding individual egos'.

It is natural for people that have history together to have a lot of inside "jokes"/meanings/language and what not. And that has nothing to do with wether or not it is an online community/chat-room/forum. It goes for real life interaction as well. It happens with groups of people at work, school, sports, army and so on....
So basically to me, it seems as if you feel excluded/"bashed on" because somebody here has known each other for almost 3-4 years, and you feel they are "elitist" because they have inside jokes.

[QUOTE=Lost One]
This is why in places of online chatting rooms, you have many, many rooms to choose from where you can speak that you don't come to the same 1 room that is commanded by the same group of people like what can be observed here. It's like I have only one option here, which is to suck up to the people in social groups so I can actually gain respect and feel more free to actually speak my mind. And when threads come along like Luis Antonio's "CM Kingdom" or "Weasel embarks on his mission to lead..." which to my opinion, goes against rule #5 and #8 of the forum, in the sense that it is made for explicit spamming and does not have any useful content...I'm once again reassured that the moderators are lenient towards this because of the elitist groups that have liberty of what they do/say.

As DW has explained - and as the forum rules also state (We are more lenient on spam in the Speak Your Mind forum, but excessive amounts will not be tolerated. ) - then spam is viewed differnetly in SYM.
Spam in SYM is tolerated, because that was why SYM was created in the first place. (A thread called Goody reached many pages in the BG2 forum, and Buck made SYM to keep off-topic out of BG2).
That is why threads like "CM Kingdom" and "Weasel embarks....." are tolerated, as well are "pub-threads". However - as DW also mentions - "Counting with Aegis" is not tolerated, because it was just post-farming.
So there is no protection of "elitist groups", eventhough you claim it.
Also - as I've mentioned in an ealier post in this thread. "Oldies"/Veterans" ... part of the elite as you might say - has infact been banned from these boards for going over the line in various cases.
Which also shows there is no protection of the elite.
Claming that we moderators show favoritisme should be backed up, with more then pointing to 2 "spam" threads in a forum created to support "off-topic"/spam posting.

[QUOTE=Lost One]<snip>
I think it's a shame personally. Anything discussed in a public forum like this one should not exclude other members...but as it does, you'll get what has been happening until now. Small-time posters like me coming up to post things and then being 'intimidated' or just simply put down by the elitist groups. <snip>

Do you claim to be excluded if two (or more) people at school/work talks more to each other, because they also interact in their free time?
Do you claim they are "elitist"?

[QUOTE=Lost One]<snip>
I still have it fresh in my mind the light spam thread by Maharlika, "If Men are NOT from Mars..." where Mah said a certain post of mine was spam, which in fact, it wasn't...and even had it been, it seems the moderators have no problem with veterans about spamming.

Because much of the debates that goes on in SYM can be serious and controversial at times, we have always asked that people respect the "No Spam" if written in for instance the thread titel.
Then it means that off-topic in regards of the topic should be kept to a minimum.
That thread Maharlika had posted that he wished for "no spam" in the thread, and he adressed a point where he felt you posted spam.
So you can't claim that we (moderators) run favorites because some threads allow spam and others don't.

[QUOTE=Lost One]<snip>
To put a long story short, this forum is not newbie friendly. I'm outta here now. ;) [/QUOTE]

It is a lot more newbie friendly then any other forum I've met duing my many years on the Internet.

Because I'm both a moderator and self-censuring, I'll limit the expressing my feelings. But I really feel you are doing injustice to many of us as humans, and leave it at the fact that there is a proverb that states; that if you wish to change things, start with the man in the mirror.
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Post by Dottie »

Still, though I dont agree with some of lost ones examples, I do agree that there is double standards on this board, and have been as long as I can remember. For example Gruntboy comitted multiple instances of personal attacks before being banned. I find it difficult to belive any newbie with the same attitude would have lastet that long. Also, the fact that there is much jargon wich might keep newbies out is undeniable.

Now, the second problem is imo to a degree unsolvable, ofcourse posters must be allowed to make references to previous threads on the board etc.

Regarding spam I think the exact nature of it on SYM is a very confusing for everyone, including older posters. Generarly it seem judgment is based much on the thread starters intention, wich is ok imo, but bound the lead to a number of misunderstandings.
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Post by Xandax »

[QUOTE=Dottie]Still, though I dont agree with some of lost ones examples, I do agree that there is double standards on this board, and have been as long as I can remember. For example Gruntboy comitted multiple instances of personal attacks before being banned. I find it difficult to belive any newbie with the same attitude would have lastet that long.

Seeing as Buck is the only one that can ban members, it is not something that can be blamed on the community and/or moderators.

Each person can report violations if he so wishes.
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Post by Dottie »

[QUOTE=Xandax]Seeing as Buck is the only one that can ban members, it is not something that can be blamed on the community and/or moderators.

Each person can report violations if he so wishes.[/QUOTE]

Heh, I wasnt trying to cast a shadow on anyone Xandax, including the mods and Buck. :) However the different treatment is imo a bad thing, regardless of its causes.
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Post by Kayless »

[QUOTE=CM]Kayless an off topic question you think that the DC forum more resembles SYM that used to be?[/QUOTE]
As a matter of fact I do. The tone is a lot lighter and more casual over there (here I often feel like I'm in a college lecture hall, over there I feel like I'm just hanging out with my buddies). The spirit there is a lot like SYM used to be (it doesn't hurt that there are a large number of SYMian expatriates there too).
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C Elegans
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Post by C Elegans »

VonDondu wrote:I'm just curious: did you recently look up those examples, or do you keep them "on file"? :)
I looked then up - it was easy to find numerous examples since I both remember particular threads where lively debates has been going on, and remember some specific members who liked to participate in such threads.

@Lost One: Thanks for posting examples that clarify what you were referring to - I hope you read this post. I agree with much of your opinions regarding how newcomers are treated here at SYM.

On basis on what I have seen myself, I partly disagree with the same issue as Xandax has already brought up, and for the similar reasons:
Xandax]Unlike many other places I've visted on the web wrote:
However @Lost One, I have got the impression that old members who state very strong opinions not based on facts, are less critisised for this than new members. If an old member appeals to emotional arguments or post factual errors, it is more likely that this will be accepted as "difference in opinion/culture" whereas if a new user post opinions with the same low degree of supporting facts, it will be scrutinised. This, I think comes down to that if you don't post fact-based conclusions, you in fact post personal opinion. And the personal opinion of an old member counts are more worth as the personal opinion of a new member. Look at your own and GNGspam's posts in this thread as an example: you both apologise for posting your personal opinion, although the Thantor asked for our opinions, and since there are no scientific studies of SYM and we don't have any controlled, objective measurement systems around here to measure what we are talking about here, everybody is posting their personal opinions, not more, not less. So I think this thread in itself provides excellent example of how the SYM ingroup-culture does not encourage newer posters to participate at the same terms and be assessed according to the same criteria. I don't want to lable this behaviour elitism, since I certainly think it is "natural", spontenous group behaviour that will emerge without people being aware of it or having this intention - but the group processes I have described as ingroup behaviour exist, and I think it's only good that somebody with fresher eyes brings up the topic.

Regarding spam, I don't at all think you should view yourself as a bad boy here. I didn't read your post in the Mahar's thread that was classified as spam, but I can well understand that the vague criteria for what is defined as spam and not, are confusing.

In the SYM-specific sticky thread, it is stated that:
2) Keep the spam relevant. By this we mean make it entertaining or at least sociable. Not just nonsense such as "Spam is good" or counting down to landmark posts. These sorts of posts will be deleted. Also please don?t spam topics in which the poster has requested no spam.
Now, at SYM as in many groups, self-reference serves as increasing the sense of common history and shared experiences, which in turn strenghten the bonds between the group members. Unfortunatly, self-referencial behaviour such as jargon and recall of past events, also serves as a barrier for newcomers. I agree with you Lost One that for a new user, there is no way of knowing why a thread like "CM Kingdom" is not considered spam according to the critera stated in the forum rules. It is not obvious that a thread about other members close encounters with sheep is "relevant, entertaining or at least sociable".

Finally, @Kayless, I know that you and several other SYM-members grew tired of the serious discussion that for instance I enjoy. You went off and started a new forum, aimed for jokes and light-hearted spam only, which I think is an excellent initiative: If you want something, make it.
"There are in fact two things, science and opinion; the former begets knowledge, the latter ignorance." - Hippocrates
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