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Which Daedra would you like to be?

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Bethesda Softworks' The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind and its Tribunal and Bloodmoon expansion packs.

Which Daedra would you like to be if you had the choice?

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Which Daedra would you like to be?

Post by lifeishell91 »

I would like to be a Bonelord ;) As you can see from my Avatar...

Sorry if I could not include the creature of your choice, I could only fit in 10 possible answers.... :mad:
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Post by Dark Master »

I put Golden Saint, but I meant to click Dremora (Lord). Having those shrines shrines with offerings (not technically offerings to me, but offerings at least), and being able to put my feet up until some feeble person comes along to take something from the shrine sounds like a nice job.
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Post by Psi_RedEye22 »

Other. -> Ogrim.

Who the hell wouldn't want to be the hulk of morrowind? :O

P.S. You mispelled Atronach. :D
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Post by giles337 »

other -> hunger :D they're so purty.

it wld be cool to play as a corprus stalker tough, infecting others. ever noticed how they look like the alien off men in black??/
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Post by Psi_RedEye22 »

They look like walking bottom-feeder fish. :D
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Post by giles337 »

:D excactly :D neway... don't even get me started on ogrims :o
Mag: Don't remember much at all of last night do you?
Me: put simply.... No :D
Mag: From what I put together of your late night drunken ramblings? Vodka, 3 girls, and then we played tic-tac-toe and slapped each other around.
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Post by Xandax »

I wouldn't want to be one at all. That would mean countless of adventures would try and capture my soul just to make some cheesy items :D
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Post by fable »

LOL! Good one, @Xan. :D It's only a matter of time before someone codes a mod with enchantable snowglobes that say "Souvenir of Vivec." Can you imagine being a the spirit of a Dremora Lord trapped in that thing?
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Post by unregisturd »

I'd be a Dremora Lord. They're just so sexy. And they can summon anything they want. Weapons... Clothes... Skooma....... Hey, is it just me or does it look like they have go-tees? :rolleyes:
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Post by Aqua-chan »

Winged Twilight. Closely resembles a harpy... which is basically the creature that I can asscociate myself with sometimes. :D
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Post by beornica »

Winged twilight, all the way. So pretty. Too bad they make a sound like they got their vocal cords ripped out! Ever notice, though, they have exactly the same face as one of the breton women? (the one with the big eyes and big lips that isn't ugly like all the rest?) If you want an npc it's on, Desele from Suran has that face. Notice next time you fight one of these lovely creatures. Though, ya know what? I wouldn't mind being a golden saint, either. All the adventurers would always be happy to see me, at least, even if it WAS just for the wonderful plunder of my soul after I died. Tough decision. They're both very sexy daedra. Hey! Why doesn't Azura have a daedra servant? (Or does she, and it's one of the sexy ones, like the Twilight or the Saint?)
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Post by JesterKing »

DREMORA LORD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you read the books on dremora it shows that they are the ones with the most intelligence. They have cool armor, cool names, everythign. If I were an actual daedra, i would want to be sheograth or hercine... probably sheograth. chaos... mwaahahahahaha.

@ Beornica: winged twilights... the messengers of Azura. they list all teh designations for servants in Aedra and Daedra, or darkest darkness... or something having to do with daedra.
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Post by beornica »

Oh good, then, Jest, you would know. It's been bugging me. What is the name of the lingo-type place where all the daedra are when they're not being summoned? Or should I put this in the pop quiz section, and see if anyone guesses?
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Post by JesterKing »

Oblivion.... HEY THATS THE NAME OF THE BOOK!!!!!!!!!!!!!! on oblivion!!! hahaha... ok or they are refered to as 'alternate planes' or 'the void' or whatever... actually I want to find a physics book in morrowind. to bad all the stuff in dwemer is untranslatable for yourslef, im sure they would have some interesting insights into it... and what did happen to the dwemer? they dissapeared... but where to!!??!
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Post by beornica »

[QUOTE=JesterKing]actually I want to find a physics book in morrowind.[/QUOTE]

Now here's a sweet idea. WRITE one. And put it in fan fiction, a recently opened (thanks to the pleading of Aqua-Chan) and very fun and wonderful forum. If I had the time (I can't even seem to finish my four measly LGNPC maar gan characters, never mind write a whole piece of fiction!) I would definitely write me a little story or two.
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Post by JesterKing »

very interesting.... maybe if I am kicked of the computer one day I will research it... talk to whatshisface the corprus dwarf and re-visit kargnac's library (which i found was remarkably dull and had a VERY many books which werent exaclty contemporary to the time kargnac existed... 36 sermons of vivic? when vivic was nevar's lackey?) and see if i missed anythign interesting. actually that sounds fun! i think ill do that. yuou are such an inspiration...
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Post by beornica »

I exist only to inspire you, Jest.
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Post by JesterKing »

im so touched beornica... ok i started this to ask why there were still little colored things by daedroth and fire atronoch even though nobody had voted by them. i feel stupid now, but you see my computer takes forever to load anything (56k internet connection... grrrroooaaannn) so it LOOKED like there were color things by some with 0 votes and no colored things by others with 0 votes... and now i am jsut typing because i like the clickety click click click sounds. :D
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Post by Rookierookie »

Scamp definitely. Only daedra with a representative that isn't attacked and soultrapped on sight.
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Post by lifeishell91 »

Who was the 2nd Bonewalker? :confused:
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