I want to run as a Druid and really dont have any troubles with that except for one thing : LVL 5 spell Slay Living & LVL 8 spell Finger O.Death has the same description !!
Same save - save or die - or take 3d6 + 1 pr. lvl in DMG !!??
In normal D&D ver 3.0 / 3.5 i'm confident, but how does NWN treat this
Should i even consider a Druid ?
---With it's Companions & stuff it seems just as powerful as a Druid is in ANY D&D game (i.e. ((very powerful))!)
If NWN doesn't treat lvl's as it should, i'd might go for a powerful multi, but i also have SoU and plan on having a great summer in front of my computer, and i really don't want to start over again & again. (already been through that part)
I wan't to get into the action !!
Please respond, anyone that love/hate Druids and/or know the answer to my questions ....
Hack my way to ..??