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Redoran Hortador

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Redoran Hortador

Post by Deviazz »

Ok I got the 3 main consilors my stronghold is being built but I cant challenge the Venim dude yet why?Does my stronghold have to be completed first ?
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Dark Master
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Post by Dark Master »

If you're building a stronghold, my guess is you are becoming ArchMaster, not Hortator, that comes in the main quest and doesn't require you to be a member of the house. You should keep going to your Redoran quest givers and asking about duties/orders/chores and advancement, it may be that you don't meet the requirements for ArchMaster yet. Its been a while since I played all the way to the top of Redoran, so...

If you *are* becoming Hortator, then you need the support of ALL council members before you challange Venim to a duel.

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Post by Deviazz »

becoming archmaster and hortador at the same time really,found out what I was missing it was the dude that sent me on the caldera mine mission. I guess if u free any slaves, when ya get the ledger it messes it up for when he tell you to go shut the mine down,but if ya talk to his female guard u get the sense that she likes him, then ya talk to him and tell him that she likes him and all of the sudden he gave me his vote for hortador.It was a little tricky ,thought something was bugged at first, and probably was. I think your not suppose to free any slaves on your first trip there.
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Post by Ares2382 »

I remember become a hortator once before trying to become the Redoran head of house, and becoming Hortator seems to have screwed up all of the progress in house Redoran. Although this was a really long time ago and a patch might have fixed that, or maybe not.
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