will someone please explain to me how to use Sunray, according to the statistics it should be very high, but when i click it it does something but doesnt hurt anyone?
From BG 2 manual:
"When this spell is cast, it causes a ray of sunlight to beam down upon the caster and all within a 20’ radius. All creatures within the area
of effect take 3-18 points of damage and must save vs. spells or be blinded for 10 rounds. Undead that are hit by the sunray take 1-6
damage for every level of the caster, and must save vs. spells or be destroyed"
It is very effective against undead, fx Lich
Maybe U are too far away from the monster?
"When this spell is cast, it causes a ray of sunlight to beam down upon the caster and all within a 20’ radius. All creatures within the area
of effect take 3-18 points of damage and must save vs. spells or be blinded for 10 rounds. Undead that are hit by the sunray take 1-6
damage for every level of the caster, and must save vs. spells or be destroyed"
It is very effective against undead, fx Lich
Maybe U are too far away from the monster?
The trick with it is to get close to a pack of undead, or to a powerful one, so they all attack you, and then you cast the spell, hoping it won't be interrupted...
If you cast it on non-undead creatures, it's no wonder the damage is low, the spell is designed to take undead down massively.
If you cast it on non-undead creatures, it's no wonder the damage is low, the spell is designed to take undead down massively.
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