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Cant Dual Class...???

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Post by Lonelypilgrim »

[QUOTE=SP101]Dual at level 23?! It will take ALOT of times to regain your levels...[/QUOTE]

What do U mean? If I dual at 23 my mage half will sustain it´s levels and the cleric will begin from lvl one, meaning it wont need much exp to lvl up.

Or is there something I´m missing?
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Post by Skuld »

Well what happen when you dual is your first class gets put on hold, and all abilities gained up until that point are not usable. Your second class now starts from level one and has to reach one level above the level of the first class before it can be reactivated, at which time you'll gain back all the lost abilities, but you'll only be advancing in the second class. That's why I asked why you would dual from a mage and not to one. I hope that clears some things up.
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Post by SP101 »

From level 1 to 10, it will be really fast. From level 10 to 15, it will be a little long. But for the levels 15 & upper, that will be incredibly long (Even in soloing)
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Post by Lonelypilgrim »

Huh... I didn´t realize that my previous class abl will not be available.
Ok it will take long but is it even possible to get cleric to 23 or above i´m really not familiar with the exp cap peak.
Oh one mor thing´- is it possible to reach the exp cap in both classes seperately or does the same cap apply for both?
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Post by iamweaver »

The EXP cap is for all classes combined. I haven't done the math, but at 23rd level, you might not even be able to regain your abilities...

At the least, it means that you would go for a huge amount of time without the mage spells, and the rest of your 23th level party would have to drag along some wimpy, useless 10th-level cleric to places a lvl 10 should never be... Dual classing is really only useful while still in or close to exponential EXP growth stage, so that you "fill in" weaknesses of the 2nd, main class that will gather most of the experience. Folks generally switch at either 9th level, since that's the last hit die for fighters, or at 12th/13th for weapon proficiencies/special class ability jumps and better THAC0 in the end game (9th-level THAC0 for berzerker/kensai can be extremely effective up through SoA end phase)
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Post by Lonelypilgrim »

Big thanks to eveyone, it seems you prevented me from making a really bad mistake. I think i will cont with my present single cl mage ;)
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Post by Skuld »

If you're not far I'd seriously suggest considering a Sorceror. If you want some info on Sorcerors and some of my personal spell picks check out this thread
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Post by Lonelypilgrim »

Thanks Skuld, I´ll certanly cncider it :)
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