Hey guys!
I don't think anyone will reply to this for a couple of hours (I don't see anyone else logged on) but I wanted to leave a request. Does anyone know where to find LVL 9 Mage scrolls in SoA?
I found 1 in the duergar camp in the underdark, but that's all. I'm just wondering if anyone knows about someone I can loot or buy from. I already checked the Spell Store and Ribald & Friends, to no avail. I heard somewhere that Cowled Enforcers sometimes carry them, but I already bought a magic permit, so they don't jump me when I cast.
Any ideas??
I always wonder why I can't just pick up the spell book off the corpse of an attacking mage and just rip the pages out, but I guess that'd be too easy...
And if you're not out of the Underdark yet there's the mage imprisonned just North of the Duergar's encampment. If you agree to do his quest, and then ask for all the loot, you'll fight him, and he carries 3 or 4 lvl 9 scrolls
We do not stop playing because we grow old,
We grow old because we stop playing.
[QUOTE=stramoski]I freed the elemental mage, but he teleported away before I could kill him. I had him down to "Near Death" when he took off.
Also, does anyone know how to provoke Cowlies if you've already got the magic permit? I wouldn't mind killing a few of them for the glory of Mystra...[/QUOTE]
its probably a global variable...run a search using sk, or ask at a modding forum...