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Woe is me ! HoU dead end

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Woe is me ! HoU dead end

Post by Grallon »

So I'm working my way up chapter 3 in HoU. I'm now plodding my way though the wastes of Cania and have arrived where you get attacked by the group of badasses.... I'm a Fighter 14lvl/ Weapon Master 10lvl / Sorecerer 5th lvl. I'm travelling with Aribeth and Deekin (who's now a 14lvl bard / 10th lvl Dragon Disciple)... I can't recall how many times I've reloaded to try and get pass that point. No way - I simply get butchered in less than a minute.

Anybody has any suggestions ? I mean I try to get rid of the monk first - pfff - no matter that I'm hasted, wear an ironskin ring, blessed, with Deekin' song playing - I get trashed. I tried to blast them with fireballs & chain lightnings nada ! So I'd appreciate any hints at this point.

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Post by Xandax »

Spoiler space:

Well - that fight is about the hardest in the game also - in my oppion.

What I personally found best, was to take down the thief enemy first. Her sneak attack was devestating to me the first time through (when I didn't target her first).
After that one fell, the rest was relative easy.

Some general pointers you possible can use - make sure you are rested, buffed up on potions/spells. Bardsong running is a good thing also.
Hasted, preferable by boots or armour of speed is priceless.
Also some special equiptment is terrific if you have it - "The Greater Belts of the Swordsman/Archer/Brawler". They will make any fight much easier.
Check your equiptment for abilities that can help, often people carry around all sorts of stuff with abilities they never use - so it is worth it to rumage through your inventory for extra help. Spell scrolls of high level summons can be usefull also. And so on.
Also feats should be used. Knockdown, Whirlwind, Expertise etc.... all have their validation in some situations.

Also - a rod of ressurection is good incase one of your henchmen dies - so you can ressurect them fast.

I hope some of this helps.
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Post by Grallon »

Thanks Xandax. Finally I ended up restarting HoU altogether ... Anyhow here's another question.

At the begining your stuff get stolen and the Innkeeper's daughter tells you you'll get it back when you find whoever sent that thief. We know it's the Valsheress *but* when you finally confront her it's a battler where she dies and then you're whisked away into hell. Before the duel there's no chance to explore her fortress... not in the game I played anyway.

So how and when do you get back all your gear ? I mean I saved my character after SoU and I was literally stuffed with all kinds of priceless ****... it was worth a fortune and I want it back ! ehhehe

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Post by Xandax »

You get it back ealier, much ealier then that.

Spoiler - highlight to read:

In Chapter 1, just before you find Halaster, you fight through a Drow camp. In that camp is a chest called "drows chest" (or similar). This holds allmost all of your old equiptment (except for all your bags of holding if I remember right).

Spoiler end.
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Post by Grallon »

I suspected as much but all I found was magical implements - none of my gear which - as you mentioned - was in bags of holding :mad:

Oh well - you come across enough stuff in this expension anyway. thx again.

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Post by Xandax »

[QUOTE=Grallon]I suspected as much but all I found was magical implements - none of my gear which - as you mentioned - was in bags of holding :mad:

Oh well - you come across enough stuff in this expension anyway. thx again.


I always get back all my stuff back(Including both plot-items *and* the stuff in my bags), except for the bags themselves. There is usually about 5-10 pages of stuff when I get it back. (need to drag less stuff around :D )
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Post by ladyblack »

Strange, I only get back a few items too, I know I got a couple of potions and I think some weapons - like my Rapier of the High Road - think that was NWN part 1. But everything else had vanished. I lost things like Karl's Phalactury...I'm sure that's not how you spell it, and REALLY ANNOYINGLY the staff that protects you from the Balaar. I can summon up a Demon lord for Frell's sake but I can't use it as then I'd be fighting it as well as any other enemies.

Maybe a patch problem? I can see this patch solves many problems, I guess I'd better find someone's computer to download it onto (not a work one :-) .
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Post by BadAzzCleric »

where is Aribeth

Ok..this might sound stupid, as maybe I've missed something huge so far...but where the heck is Aribeth in HoU?? I'm into chapter 2 and haven't seen her. I've heard someone talk about her, but I haven't seen her. I was hoping to travel with her...and maybe continue where we left off in NWN, but so far I haven't seen her.

Grallon...where'd you find her?
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Post by Xandax »

@BadAzzCleric: Aribeth is in Chapter 3.
Also remember that HotU isn't the continue of the story line in NwN so she dosen't know you (much like the henchmen in the beginning Inn dosen't know you).
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Post by BadAzzCleric »

Just found her

Thanks. I actually just found her after I posted the question. I got thrown into chapter 3 before I was ready, but oh least I found her.

I wanted to go back and do more quests, but I ended up talking to the seer and the war started!

Anyhoo...HoU is so big and I like it so much, I'll be playing it again... I'm sure there are a LOT of things I'm missing the first time around...

And it's unfortunate that Aribeth doesn't remember me...especially because I had her ring and had the start of a romance at hand at the end on NWN. What a way to leave ya hangin. At least in BG I got to be with the girl in the end. (Aerie)
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Post by BadAzzCleric »

I just looked at the walkthrough and I didn't get the chance to go to maker;s island or the I missed a lot. Think I'll go back to an old save.
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Post by Arturcic »

Refering to the old equipment, 2 things to consider:
1.- When u open the drow chest in the mentioned camp, there are like 12 pages, so EVERYTHING is there except for (if I'm not wrong) the things u were WEARING (armor, weapon, rings, etc.) when finished SoU (or NWN original campaign if u skipped the first).
2.- Soooooolution: before exporting ur character, undress :p
At least, it worked for me.
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