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3-4 person party

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3-4 person party

Post by FireLighter »

Ok, Im making a party, I need to know who would be a good edition to the party, people added mods can be included. I need to have all of these people:
Tank: (Got him covered, PC kensai-mage)
Mage:Anyone (Ive never tried kelsey or chloe, not sure what class chloe is, but I would like to try them.)
Thief: Maybe yoshi?
Thanks for the input, Im looking for something challenging but not really too hard... and nothing cheesey.
NOTE: Ive never played through the entire game... (Please dont 'boo' me!) :o :( :o And later on, Im gonna get Sola and probably drop my thief... I WILL play this game all the way through!!!!! Or strike me down and burn me for being blasphemous!
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Post by sparky_kat »

for cleric, i would go with Aerie on with "Anoweenie" Anomen, both are really decent but both can be slightly annoying at times, i use both for my current party with Keldorn and Nalia for now, may change party later for the last one since my pc character is theif
:D Smile.... That way they wont know what your thinking :p

[QUOTE=Tricky;990202]I can't really tell if I can't read that because I'm too drunk or because you are. :p [/QUOTE]
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Post by sparky_kat »

oh, for mage, evil-Edwin of course :D good-Nalia, although if you are already mage yourself, try another tank like Minsc and Boo for some good fun company, or if evil-Korgan, basically go by what alignment is
:D Smile.... That way they wont know what your thinking :p

[QUOTE=Tricky;990202]I can't really tell if I can't read that because I'm too drunk or because you are. :p [/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=Claudius;990251]Lets hope it was both of us :) [/QUOTE]
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Post by FireLighter »

For mage I was thinking one of the mods. Maybe kelsey?
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Post by sparky_kat »

im going without mods this round thru, but in the future i might, i guess i am just partial to OLD SCHOOL play it how ya got it gaming, but i am always willing to try changes, havnt installed any mods for any of my games i have
:D Smile.... That way they wont know what your thinking :p

[QUOTE=Tricky;990202]I can't really tell if I can't read that because I'm too drunk or because you are. :p [/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=Claudius;990251]Lets hope it was both of us :) [/QUOTE]
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Post by FireLighter »

The solafein Mod is AWESOME, I installed it in tob and brought him to me, he is pretty l33t.
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Post by dragon wench »

You probably don't need an additional tank, but FYI Chloe is also very good, she has an interesting personality and is a kensai. Some people object to her 25 dex, but that can easily be altered with SK if you feel so inclined ;)
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Post by FireLighter »

Ok, heres my party so far:
PC (Kensai-mage soon)
yoshi (only for thieving)
Anomen, jaheira, or viciona... (havent decided)
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Post by Raumoheru »

instead of yoshimo u shud bring jan.
he is a better thief and is a lot more interesting company
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Post by Skuld »

A three person party would go something lile this: Kelsey(sorceror), Jan(Illusionist/Thief) and PC Fighter/Cleric). Why you need your PC to be a Kensai/Mage is beyond me when you have a sorceror for a perfectly good spellcaster as well as Jan for support casting and some good extra dialogue and goodies. I actually ran this party once and it was rather easy, and Jan weilding Celestial Fury is too much fun.
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Post by krunchyfrogg »

I'm going through the game w/ a 4 person party:

Berserker/Cleric protagonist

I'll probably add Jan and a Mr. S. in ToB
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Post by FireLighter »

Ok, I have decided:

@Skuld: Ive never been a kensai/mage before and would like to see what all the fuss is about.
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Post by Sytze »

If you're playing ToB, I would recommend that you take Imoen with you. Next to the fact that she's strong and simply your sis, she has nice dialogs with Kelsey ;)
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Post by FireLighter »

I may drop jan for her? Ill decide when I get there :D .
Thanks for input everyone!!
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Post by SP101 »

Yeah, you should drop Jan. Imoen's thieving skills are enough to take care of any traps/locks. You will *rarely* need a luck spell or to drink a potion to disarm or unlock something.
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Post by FireLighter »

Ya, Ill drop him when I get to spell hold.
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Post by Skuld »

When you find out what all the fuss is about let me know, because I'd sure like to know because when given the option to have a PC as a spellcaster I'd opt for a Sorceror. And since there's a PC to take care of that, why not go for something the game doesn't offer like a good berserker/cleric.
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Post by glenfar »

I tried a Kensai/Mage solo a little while ago ... like FireLighter, I had to see what all the fuss was about! I found he got very powerful fairly quickly.

It's the combination of mage buffs to render yourself virtually untouchable, along with the kensai fighting skills. Just buff yourself up, walk into the thick of the battle, and start swinging. Pretty soon everyone else is dead, and you don't have a scratch on you. With the Robe of Vecna, they're really deadly - cast a spell, it (usually) goes off immediately, and you can start swinging again in the same round.

However, I don't think a Kensai/Mage is really all that much better than a Fighter/Mage. And for solo especially, I think a Berserker/Mage would be even better. Those immunities really come in handy when you don't have a Cleric around to cast Chaotic Commands (and keep in mind that the K/M can't use such things as the Helm of Charm Protection or Shield of Harmony).
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Post by FireLighter »

Only reason I can think of for why kensai is better is, Kai ability (once you get up there you can do TONS of damage, very useful when soloing) and the -2 to AC.
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Post by Skuld »

But you're playing with a party. Oh well.
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