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Ahnassi is pissin me off

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The Introvert
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Ahnassi is pissin me off

Post by The Introvert »

She told me to get some Coda Plant and Gold Kanet, where can i find them? And what else is there to do before she likes you or w/e, and what happens when she likes you, what does she say, what happens?

get back at me...


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Post by fable »

Gold kanet is very popular. You'll see it everywhere along the road from Seyda Neen to Pelagiad, and beyond. Just look for the clusters of gold flowers along the side of the road.
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Post by The Introvert »

I knew that...but i included it anyways, where the hell is "Coda Plant" that b*tch has me travelin to get her flowers....god damn, what happens at the end when you get her to love you, do i have like half redguard half khajiit kids, that would be nuts.

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Post by Mccool »

You can buy coda plants in some alcimists shops or you could save some money and look in the many swamps near hil oad or maar gan your almost certain to find at least 1 there.
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Post by Rookierookie »

Coda Flower is found on Draggle-Tail plants that have flowers. They are worth quite a lot.
I didn't even search for that one, I just went to an alchemist (or trader, forgot) and bought it.

You don't get anything by making Ahnassi fall in love with you except cheap training.
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Post by lifeishell91 »

When Ahnassi falls in love with you, she give you her house and all items in it.

The Coda flower is a very useful alchamical plant, in the the little muck water, the very bright plant in the green, gross muck waters is the Coda plant, you can get some SE from the lighthouse in Seyda Neen. ;)
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The Introvert
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Post by The Introvert »

Stupid cat lady, then she can go get her own damn flowers, or i'm gonna kill her and take her house...i was thinking about gettin my own crib anyways....


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Post by Rookierookie »

There is no need... just pick the lock, no one's inside...
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