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Game pausing bug

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Black Isle Studios' Icewind Dale and its Heart of Winter and Trials of the Luremaster expansions.
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Game pausing bug

Post by Dueller »

Upon being transported back to an icy Easthaven, I've found that the game never comes out of being paused for the movie. Is this a common bug, and will the most recent patch fix it?

I also notice that although there are descriptive pictures of items in the BIF files, they don't appear when you right-click on an item in the game. Another bug, or were pictures never implemented for item descriptions?

Am I also stuck with just 640x480 resolution? I supposed I've been spoiled after playing Shadows of Amn in 1024x768...
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Post by Paisley_Killer »

not to sure about the game pausing thing, but If you install Heart of Winter, you get the additional 800 x 600 resolution suppot. I believe that there is also some added 3d support as well.
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Post by dark_raven »

i found that teleporting into HOW for the first time while your top person is invisable (by the ring of invisability) will make the game stuck in pause b/c of dialog needing to take place. the charature was unable to see the person to talk to. but thats all the pausing problems i had...soo... i don't know what to tell you.
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Post by Dueller »

I tried attacking Brother P two more times, even without using any protective spells at all, and when the party was transported back to Easthaven it still didn't unpause after the movie.

Then on the fourth try it unpaused fine, and I'm now about to face the boss for the final time. I don't know what I did differently, but at least now I can continue.

I've done a bit of snooping into the CRE file for Belhifet, so I know he's immune to all types of fire but has no immunity to electricity or acid, so I'll concentrate on those types of spells while a well-protected fighter gives him a thumping (I knew those potions of absorbtion would come in handy some time - let loose the electric attacks!)
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Post by dark_raven »

i used a druid that was 100% immune to fire to kill him, sense all he does is flame strike i couldn't be touched. and i had my bard playing that song that gives regeneration so when the druid got hit with the despell arrows from the traps (1-2 pts of damage) she would heal... that was a long fight!
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Post by Dueller »

[QUOTE=dark_raven]I used a druid that was 100% immune to fire to kill him, sense all he does is flame strike i couldn't be touched. and i had my bard playing that song that gives regeneration so when the druid got hit with the despell arrows from the traps (1-2 pts of damage) she would heal... that was a long fight![/QUOTE]

I found the most useful spell was the resilient sphere. I cast it on the demon, then took my time dispatching the iron golems, detecting traps to find a safe area, and casting protective magics (fire immunity being important). A few glyphs of warding around the outside waited patiently for when Belhifet teleported like a coward. Then I just let him come to the party (so to speak), and pounded him with the +5 sword while a mage summoned monsters or cast lightning bolts. If we got too damaged, another resilient sphere would give as all the time we needed to heal.
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