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Mage Staff worth 210000 gold pieces

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Mage Staff worth 210000 gold pieces

Post by Jobby »

While sightseeing around Mount Kand looking for a dead acolyte I came across a cave with a witch and other creepy crawlies. After my Crusader did the right thing and slew them without mercy I found this very nice staff. It has restore health and spell absorbtion 20 to 60 for 60 seconds with stacks of charges. Pity I cant find anyone with the cash to pay for it.
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Post by fable »

You may want to hold onto it, depending on your strength--spell absorption at 20-60 is pretty rare in the main game, as I recall. Casting it once before entering battle could be just the ace-up-your-sleeve needed against something large, nasty and magical.

If you want merchants to have more money but don't want to unbalance the game, consider the SuperAdventurers mod. It's more of a rebalancing tool; so although all merchants have more cash to spend on you, trainers all cost three times as much, for instance.
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Post by Jobby »

Mage Staff and better weapons

Now I just have to find a nasty creature to use it on. My main weapon has been the Longsword found on the body of that jumping fellow at the start. I have yet to come across a better weapon.
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Post by fable »

Oh, you'll find better weapons--plenty of 'em. Your staff is essentially useful for one thing alone: casting spells before battle. But it has no magic that's cast upon hitting, nothing that does extra damage, invokes new weaponry, lowers resistances, etc. It's a before-the-battle weapon. :D
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Post by Rookierookie »

You ought to have found a better weapon when you got to Balmora.
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Post by Dark Master »

I used the falling Mage's sword right up to level nine once.
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Post by JesterKing »

ya... it made me mad i hadnt picked longsword, 'wow it casts a shock spell on them when i hit them! thats the coolest thing ever!' what innocence...
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Post by Rookierookie »

I got one with the same magic but was made of steel in Addarmartus/Seyda Neen (forgot).
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Post by fable »

There's a standard longsword with 2 seconds poison and paralyze, each, for sale in several weapons stores. It's not only a fine blade for burgeoning heroes, but it also helps develop the longsword skill--since you don't have to wait for the yellow bar to fade in order to whack your enemy, again. While they're paralyzed, you can just whale away at 'em.

Just remember to take along Cure Paralyze potions, in case you run up against anything that uses a reflection shield. ;)
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