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Restarting BGII: Should I play Tutu?

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Restarting BGII: Should I play Tutu?

Post by Krynus »

I'm about to start BGII again for the first time in over a year and for the third time total. I was wondering if it would be better to play the entire series again using Tutu (I've got BGI + TotSC too) or just start from the beginning of BGII. Also, can I install mods that aren't specifically for Tutu if I do?
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Post by FireLighter »

Personally, Id just start from BG2, cause if you do tutu and get all that extra experience, it would be a little easy, meaning no fun, going through the story line. But it's your decision.
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Post by Numinor »

If you play Tutu you won't have much extra experience, you start BG2 where BG1 ended with 89.000 xp, or 161.000 if you imported from TotSC. Since Tutu "only" runs BG in the BG2 engine and removes the 89.000/161.000 xp-cap you may perhaps end with 200.000 xp if you do everything, but it won't make much of a difference in BG2 where the 161.000 xp you can achieve in all of Bg1+TotSC are next to nothing.
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Post by Baldursgate Fan »

To answer your question...

Yes, definitely play the Tutu mod. I am doing it just for the fun of bringing a sorc from BG1 all the way to ToB.

Whole new experience...

Besides, there are a few Tutu mods appearing in the Pocket Plane website. I will be downloading them soon.

Good luck!
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Post by fable »

Is it fully bugfree, yet?
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Post by Baldursgate Fan »


[QUOTE=fable]Is it fully bugfree, yet?[/QUOTE]

Tutu Version 4 seems stable enough, with the occasional crash or two. :)

Be sure to get the Tutu Fixpack too and visit the Bug/ Support Forum in PP site.

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