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Spells description

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Spells description

Post by Krusader »

Where can I find a description of the spells in the game?

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Post by Rookierookie »

Go to spellmakers or enchanters, and they give you a window with a list of effects. Move your mouse over the effects to see descriptions.

The catch is that you need to have already learnt a commercial spell with that effect.
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Post by Krusader »

Thanks Rookierookie for your reply. I was thinking of trying spell by spell to see the effects but some of them puzzle me, for I cast them and nothing happens (i.e.: Recall).

When browising the Internet I stumbled upon this page and it has the descriptions of the spells and skills and other things. Very informative. Let me share it with you all:
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Post by Anonononomous »

Recall won't work unless you already have a mark.

At least, I ould assume it doesn't. I've never tried using it before casing mark.

On the other hand, you could be failing at casting them.
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Post by Ares2382 »

Yes like he said to cast recall you must have cast a mark somewhere atleast once.
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Post by fable »

There are also both potions and amulets containing either mark or recall.
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