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Getting the most for your character?

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Troika Games' Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magick Obscura.
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Getting the most for your character?

Post by death_ken13 »

How do you get the most for your charater? I look for the most advantagous quest, items and now my character is extremely strong. What do you do to maximise your character?
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Post by Deathmagus »

1. If you're close to 20 in a stat, make sure to grab it, as it will grant a huge bonus, usually doubling the regular bonus of a score of nineteen. For example, 19 Strength adds 9 damage to every strike, whereas 20 strength adds 10X2 damage, or 20 damage.
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tom the terribl
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Post by tom the terribl »


Arcanum is full of side quests. If you want to level up quickly in Tarant try all four quests from Madam Lills. Fighting also speeds level up and I always travel the Tarant and Caladon sewers fighting the creatures and collecting items and schematics.

Each town has at least one side quest. So visit every house and talk to every one. Beware some NPC's will fight you just for talking to them.

The maximum range is 50 but you get 64 points to spread around. Plan your game carefully including whether you'll complete the blessing quest. Its really worth it. I always reach level 50 before going to Island of Thantos.

I search for outling towns and structures by seting up a zig-zag path across the map using the mega map. Also setup a way-point path along boarders. There is at least one hidden cave that is very hard to find; its northward from Stillwater.
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