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Advice on "soloing"

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Advice on "soloing"

Post by Arturcic »

Hi, every1.
I was planning on making kind of solo adventure. I wanted to take just ONE stable NPC with me, and get the others in order to make their special quests and then leave them (Jan, Korgan, Edwin, etc.). The problem is: which should I take as stable comrade (and comes with me along Spellhood and the Underdark)? I'm playing a Morituri (check the .txt for details) and had thought of taking Jaheira with me, as she can fight/cast/heal pretty efectively.
Any comment is welcome.

P.S.: I'm thinking of installing other NPCs mods (Solaufein, Kelsey, etc), so u can include them, too.
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Post by SP101 »

I think this class is way too cheesy... but if you like it. I would say : Bring someone like Aerie or Jan (Especially if you're playing ToB). They will get both classes HLAs and they will level pretty fast. Is a level 18 mage really better than a lvl 15 mage/15 cleric? I don't think so, so just take someone that suit you, but you will surely need a magic user.
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Post by Arturcic »

[QUOTE=SP101]I think this class is way too cheesy... .[/QUOTE]

I haven't yet really understood what u ppl mean by "cheesy". This class has pretty many disadvantages.
I agree I need a "magician", but there are so many combinations (Sola is a Fighter/Mage, if I recall right)....
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Post by Link_542 »

Help in dummy terms

I can't figure out how you work the morituri kit. Can you explain it to me in dummy terms? I've never hacked a game before. When I try to install the morituri it only flashes and then auto closes. did I install the wrong file or what?
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Post by SP101 »

Its a sort of mix of a Monk, a Barbarian, a Cavalier and a Berserker.

His "Armor of Light" is a mix between Kai, Rage & Enrage.

Winded after using it

Lots of immunities (Fear, Slow, Poison, etc.) as a Cavalier (even better!)

Bonus in Str/Dex/con, regeneration, faster movement speed (as a monk), can only be Grand Master in "swords style" weapon (Probably all bladed weapons).

Immune to backstab, Physical/elemental/magic resistance per level, etc.
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Post by Arturcic »


If u got the .zip from whichever web (just do a search in Google for "orituri kit"), just extract it in ur BGII folder, remebering to check the "Use Folder Names" option in WinZip.
Now u should have a folder in ur BGII one called "morituri" and a DOS-exe called setup-morituri (or something like that). Just run this executable. The rest is very easy.
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Post by Thrain »

by cheese, we mean hideously overpowered or some way of abusing the game engine.

this kit is waaaaaay overpowered. you can get natural regeneration with a dwarf/half-orc with your natural stats, that's ridiculous. if you max out dex, con and str at character creation you can have 20 in each of these stats without any modifiers or tears of bhaal.

the abilities alone are unbelieveable also. i read "...a combination of mass cure, sunray..." and stopped reading. this kit is so powerful it's untrue.
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Post by moltovir »

It's way overpowered indeed, but i like the story behind it. I'll give it a (solo) try sometimes, but to make it a bit challenging (if thats possible with such powerful abilities) you should at least have tactics, ascension and hundreds of other difficulty mods installed, as well set the game difficulty on insane :D
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Post by Arturcic »

Well, I think ur mainly right, but the point that this class can't wear ANY armor, rings, belts, cloacks, pendants, helmets; can't use ANY magic thing (except for weapons and boots), included POTIONS (except the healing ones), "uncheesies" :cool: it a little. AND, I'm using it for my first solo, so it should be hard enough (I think).
But, getting back to the original question, any advice for a stable NPC?
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Post by Thrain »

Jan or Imoen. you need a theif
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Post by Arturcic »

Yep, ur right. Then I should take Jan, considering Imoen has strangly dissapeared after escaping from Irenicus' dangeoun (sp?) :p
The point is, I wanted to have Jaheira with me, so I could go through the full "Harper Experience", but, who cares, I've killed thousands of Harpers in my previous games. And considering healing, I can always dual-class with a Cleric.
Any more advices are still welcome.

EDIT: P.S: Or I could get Jaheira and dual-class to a thief :D
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Post by moltovir »

I'd play a 2-person mp game with this Morituri (which means "they who will die" in latin, btw), accompagnied by a multiclass mage/thief or cleric/thief. But in SP, i'd take Nalia.
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Post by Link_542 »

That still doesn't explain why the setup window is flashing. Could you please help me with this? i've done everything you told me to. Does it have to be a full install or what? I haven't figured out how to install the infinity engine editor. Do I have to have that installed? If so could you explain how to install it?
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Post by Arturcic »

No, u don't need the IE Editor to be installed. And with flashing of the setup window, sorry, can't help u there, never seen that b4.
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Post by FireLighter »

[QUOTE=Link_542]That still doesn't explain why the setup window is flashing. Could you please help me with this? i've done everything you told me to. Does it have to be a full install or what? I haven't figured out how to install the infinity engine editor. Do I have to have that installed? If so could you explain how to install it?[/QUOTE]
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