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Enchanting and Spellmaking

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Enchanting and Spellmaking

Post by unregisturd »

I am extremely disappointed. Call me a false Morrowinder, but I haven't enchanted anything yet in this game for the whole duration that I've had it. There have been a few reasons why I haven't, but I have always intended to. Anyways, I finally got around to enchanting some stuff, and I must say, I am extremely disappointed. What I had feared is true. :( I don't understand... I tried enchanting an extravagant ruby amulet, and it only had 60 enchantment points, and that was the most I could find. (Even looking at ebony boots and such.) So the fact that nothing has a lot of enchantment points was disappointing, (not to mention it's so dang expensive, though, that I can handle). And Spellmaking... I've made a few spells in my day, but the thing that bothers me about that one is if you want to make a powerful spell, you can't ever cast it. Even if I'm the most powerful magician, I still can't cast my own homemade spell. :confused: Aggravating... Ok, I have a few questions:

1. Which items have the most enchantment points, and how many points do they have?

2. If I were to make a spell in the school of, say, Mysticism, would my chance of casting it be better if my Mysticism skill was higher, along with my Willpower (since that is the governing attribute of Mysticism) and Luck?

P.S. And is "aggravating" spelled with an a or an i as the second vowel? Dang English grammar rules... I hate it! :rolleyes:
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Post by JesterKing »

I feel your pain with the enchanting... but heres what you've gotta get to make it worthwhile. Equisit Rings and Amulets both take 120 enchant points. Daedric Mask of God is by far the best helm carrying 75 pts. Ebony Shield: 150 (not sure about that one) Exquisite clothes take more than any other clothes... i had a 16 ft CE detect animal on one, and htats not to bad... Ebony stuff is usually best for armor and weapons... but you can see why the best enchantments (perhaps not hte most useful, but the best) are found on legendary items.

Spells: true story, spells you buy pre-made are always easier to cast... thats the trouble (speaking as a supermage myself) with the spells, you can only cast 3 high-caliber excelent destruction spells before you are out of juice.... the best thing is a CE fortify inteligence (or increase magica times X intelligence... mantle of woe being supreme) and a heck of a lot of restore magic. training isnt a bad idea either. good luck!

Edit: yes your chance is of a successful casting is greatly improved by the skill level and luck. I dont believe the Willpower would have anythign to do with it, except that it lets you resist magical attack and train the particular skill it governs to a higher level. luck is awesome.

Edit 2- i am a horrible speller. aggravating though. i think
unless its aggrivating. either or. :rolleyes:
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Post by Rane »

Have to agree with you about enchanting. Personally I only used it in the beginning of the game when my character was quite low in level and I had not yet found any legendary items. Basically I ventured into the closest daedric shrine, slayed some daedra and collected their stuff. Then I simply sold the stuff I didn't need and with the spare coin I had, after buying some improved armor, I used to add some elemental damage to the weapon/weapons I chose to keep.
Now after 51 level-ups, 823 days passed and being nearly a half-god I have to say that the option to enchant is as close to useless as something can be...
Hence, I see the enchanting as a way to help the new adventurers as they take their first steps.

But when it comes to spellmaking I have to disagree. Sure it is harder to cast a homemade spell than an exact copy of it but as premade and bought. But you can't simply find all the spells you need in the game. For example, a 100 point open spell, a stronger and longer lasting levitate spell (best in game found: 30 points for 10 secs), stronger restore health spells (best in game found: 20 to 80 points for 1 sec) and maybe even an improved chameleon spell. These are just some examples and maybe even not the best ones either.

And yes, it's aggravating
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Post by JesterKing »

I cant really agree with that... some of my self anchanted items are the most useful things I have. Constant Effect Night-Eye 100 pts on self, fortify strenght armor (allowing me to carry said armor without taxing my load) detect key, etc. Yes, spells are useful things too... especially mysticism, alteration, and destruction, but items can hold enchantments that far outstripe what you can conveniently use with a spell. and for levitate, I have only used the spell twice, I always prefer to use items, especially windform, which I take considerable effort to find the vendors for in every game. Its all a matter of getting Golden Saint (or ascended sleeper... but they are harder to summon out of thin air) souls and a coulde exquisite rings, then you are good to go. oh and a few hundered grand doesnt hurt matters at all. :)
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Post by Rookierookie »

I made an Amulet for summoning a Golden Saint (for the souls :p ), an amulet which restores 3 fatigue and 3 health CE, and a ring which fortifies my strength 24 pts.

I'm trying to get a full set of CE items so that I can handle Stendarr's Hammer (1000 weight--will take 250 points of strength, counting the equipment to be enchanted and the hammers to repair the 100 condition item)
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Post by unregisturd »


I love homemade spells. I've got my Locksplitter which opens 100-100. I would die if I didn't have it. (Ok, maybe not die, but I would be spending a heck of a lot on picks instead of being able to sell them. :p ) But I wanted to make a Jump spell last night that allowed me to jump 100-100, but when I got it up that high, I could only make it last for 10 seconds and still have a reasonable chance of being able to cast it. And then, when I was in the air, I had pretty much no control even though my Athletics is very high (not 100, but getting there,) so I tried to add a fortify Athletics to the spell, and that sent it into the -chance of casting. So, I decided to make a constant effect item of Fortify Athletics, but that didn't work because I couldn't find anything that had enough points to make it the magnitude I wanted. I also tried constant effect Jump on some shoes/boots, but that was even worse. And nothing seems to be working out for me. :( I want my Jump spell, but I want to be able to control myself in the air. (Oh, I also added Slowfall 1-1 for one second, but that didn't work and I don't know how to make it work.)

And, JesterKing, tell me exactly how you made your constant effect Night Eye because I tried last night, and I did an area of 50 ft. or something, and it did absolutely nothing. Tell me what dimensions you put on it and stuff.

So... Some more questions:

1. How do I make a Jump spell 100-100 and also have a decent Fortify Athletics along with it? (Like I said, I couldn't combine it all into one spell, and the constant effect thing didn't work for me.)

2. What's the most powerful Levitate spell I can have and still be able to cast it? (Because I tried making one, but I couldn't ever cast it.)

All this stuff is insane... :rolleyes:

P.S. So making constant effect items is really for new adventurers? I mean, I'm a powerful mage and I'm excellent overall, also, (magic, combat, stealth) so would I be able to make constant effect items that would be better than what I could do myself? (i.e. casting a magic spell.)
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Post by giles337 »

I want my Jump spell, but I want to be able to control myself in the air. (Oh, I also added Slowfall 1-1 for one second, but that didn't work and I don't know how to make it work.)
The reason your slowfall didn't work is because it lasts one second from when you casted the jump spell, it was over before you finished asscending.

1. How do I make a Jump spell 100-100 and also have a decent Fortify Athletics along with it? (Like I said, I couldn't combine it all into one spell, and the constant effect thing didn't work for me.)
It is fortify acrobatics that you need for jumping, maybe you could inchant soem boots with fortify acrobatics CE and then a ring/amulet with said jump spell.

2. What's the most powerful Levitate spell I can have and still be able to cast it? (Because I tried making one, but I couldn't ever cast it.)
I don't know, however i do have an ebony staff which i FOUND which gives me Levitate 1 pt for 120 seconds... yeh its slow, but with that duration it matters less (except if you have no patience, i.e most of you.... ;) )
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Post by Anonononomous »

The steel blade of heaven has, I think, 30 points of levitation for 30 seconds. I could be wrong, though. It's a good item for flying, though.
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Post by unregisturd »

[QUOTE=giles337]The reason your slowfall didn't work is because it lasts one second from when you casted the jump spell, it was over before you finished asscending.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I know my Slowfall wasn't working because it only lasted one second, but I can't bring it up to ten seconds or it makes my chance of casting too low. But someone said something about adding just one point of Slowfall, and somehow they got it to work only when they were falling and not jumping. :confused:

[QUOTE=giles337]It is fortify acrobatics that you need for jumping, maybe you could inchant soem boots with fortify acrobatics CE and then a ring/amulet with said jump spell.[/QUOTE]

Is there such a thing as a Fortify Acrobatics spell? When I was trying to make my spell, I only had the choice of Fortify Attribute, which I then could only choose from my attributes, (Strength-Luck). But Fortifying Athletics worked fine. I just couldn't combine it all into one spell.

[QUOTE=giles337]I don't know, however i do have an ebony staff which i FOUND which gives me Levitate 1 pt for 120 seconds... yeh its slow, but with that duration it matters less (except if you have no patience, i.e most of you.... ;) )[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=Anonononomous]The steel blade of heaven has, I think, 30 points of levitation for 30 seconds. I could be wrong, though. It's a good item for flying, though.[/QUOTE]

I have both of those, (Steel Blade of Heaven and Wizard's Staff) and it's easier for me just to cast the Levitate spell, seeing as the Wizard's Staff is WAY too slow and Levitate goes just as fast and as long or longer (I think.) I have enough magicka to be able to cast it and not be in trouble.
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Post by Anonononomous »

If you help the lost guy who went to see the mating guar north of the lake near suran you can get an amulet of slowfall so that you don't need to make your own.
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Post by JesterKing »

The ring of night eye 100 pts CE.

take ring. take golden saint soul. go to enchanter. make sure you have spell of night eye. have 50K to be on the safe side. make sure you have the spell cast on SELF and you dont need an area... it only takes up unnecessary gold and spell points. name it somethign flashy and cool like 'night band' or 'infared' 'feline vision' whatever. oh and I always use an 'open lock 100-100 on touch' amulet... spells take up to much juice.

Casting levitate depends on your alteration skill and maximum magica count. like i said, i always use scroll of windform which gives me a wopping 500 pts of levitate (faster than boots of blinding speed) and invisibility (therefore cliff racer immunity) for 60 seconds... and so i stock up 30 at a time. you can get them for 222 gold... good stuff. wizards staff... pshaw!
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Post by unregisturd »

Dude, after I asked how, I went and tried it myself. Haha, that thing rocks. Though, I disregarded your advice to not get the area, but it was only a few hundred more and didn't take up any enchantment points. But yeah... I have to use my parents old tv which is losing color (it's old) and it's really dark, but now that I have that CE Night Eye, I can see everything! It hurt my eyes when I first used it because I was used to the darkness of my tv, so I named it Ring of Blinding Light. Yeah, original, I know.

And about the Levitate stuff... I have no problem casting Levitate every time I want to fly around; I have enough magicka to not have to worry about it being drained and whatnot. I just wanted to make a fast Levitate constant effect item, but apparently, that's not possible. (Not enough enchantment points to get the speed I want.)

And about the Slowfall... I have that amulet that you get from those two guys. I have like, thousands of Slowfall amulets. I have a Slowfall spell. I just want to make a Jump spell that has Slowfall at the end, but I'm not sure how to do it.
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Post by Rookierookie »

You can use da boots to alleviate slow levitation.
I personally prefer the steel blade of heaven--and I actually USE them against dremoras.
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Post by unregisturd »

[QUOTE=Rookierookie]You can use da boots to alleviate slow levitation.
I personally prefer the steel blade of heaven--and I actually USE them against dremoras.[/QUOTE]

I used to use the Boots of Blinding Speed along with Levitate to get everywhere, but now it's just getting to be a pain. I just want a fast constant effect Levitate enchantment. :mad: Hehe.
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Post by Rane »

I cant really agree with that... some of my self anchanted items are the most useful things I have. Constant Effect Night-Eye 100 pts on self, fortify strenght armor (allowing me to carry said armor without taxing my load)

For night-eye I mostly use spells combined with that female vampire's ring, Marara if my memory serves me right. As for fortify strength... well have to admit that I couldn't resist the temptation... I used the Corprus "exploit"... A natural strength and endurance of 300 is quite nice.
So regrettably I have to admit that enchanted items are indeed useful through-out the game. :D
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Post by Krusader »

How do I enchant an item? I have soul stones with souls and the item, along with good Enchant skill. Now, what do I do?
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Post by Demortis »

enchanting is really easy take soul gem(with soul) and click it, now it brings up an new screen. Take the item you want to enchant and soul gem you want then choose the spell you with it to have and as soon as your done hit ok and there you go a brand new enchanted item. thats how i got my tonto of soul trap, tap wut ever it still works.
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Post by JesterKing »

no no no... dont try self enchanting items unless they are cheesy small spells, you ahve 100 enchant, and your intelligence is fortified to 5,000. thats my advice anyways. It costs big bucks, but you need to go to the enchanters in like the mages guild. under 'spells' 'spellmaking' or 'persuasion' there will be the option 'enchanting' and you click on that. the rest is self explanitory.
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