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A Valen Question

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A Valen Question

Post by stramoski »

Hey, I have a stupid question...

I accidentally blasted Valen off the face of Toril one time with Anomen's Turn Undead, and I'm wondering if Vircona can turn without worry. I mean, she just "charms" the undead that Anomen vaporizes, so would it really hurt Valen. She likes me already, after all....
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Post by nephtu »

I'd think so...

Viconia's biggest hassle is turning your own Paladin, if you have one. It is cool when she gets able to charm liches.

The only danger is that it might turn Valen hostile, it sometimes does with my own undead summons.

I usually send Viconia in solo to do that stuff, though - she's easily rendered 100% MR, so most non-pet attacks from liches are no sweat, the MoD or other Negative plane protect + a mind shield item (like the shield of Harmony) item keeps her safe from vampires, etc. and her insane AC makes it pretty hard for anything else in the Undead line to hit her - greater mummies are about the only thing that's actually dangerous to her.

Anyway, generally, the strat (for me) is either charm mixed undead and have the weaker wear down the stronger, or just keep charming one while the other perty members attack it.
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Post by stramoski »


Sounds like a more workable work-around than anything I could come up with for Anomen...

Thanks for the advice and answers...

Vircona, you go in first... :p
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