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What the hell?

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What the hell?

Post by Mccool »

im confused (as usual) im just after getting the mission to muzleft from edwinna in ald ruhn and ive already been there so i decided that id go to my house and pick the key to muzleft ruin and when i go to where i dropped some keys on a table and i find a bag called somthin like the overflow loot bag, like what the hell?

And so im walkin around the island where muzleft ruin is (near dagon fel) and i find a dreugh just floating there in mid air, a couple of minutes later i find a slaughter fish doing the same thing, i repeat, what the hell?
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Post by Rane »

And so im walkin around the island where muzleft ruin is (near dagon fel) and i find a dreugh just floating there in mid air, a couple of minutes later i find a slaughter fish doing the same thing, i repeat, what the hell?

This is totally normal. At least for me it is... From time to time I tend to find creatures that *usually* dwell in water floating or swimming in tin air or sometimes even on dry land...

As for the other problem I have no explanation and instead I have to agree with you: What in the blazes is a overflow loot bag? :eek:

Edit: After pondering a little more on the bag thing I can only think of one thing. You have too much stuff! :D j/k
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Post by Wolf Howl »

[QUOTE=Rane]As for the other problem I have no explanation and instead I have to agree with you: What in the blazes is a overflow loot bag?[/QUOTE]
Overflow bags are dangerous.I had my daedric claymore on the ground with some other stuff,and the bag went on top of it!I lost the damn sword,and some other valuable stuff.
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Post by unregisturd »

[QUOTE=Wolf Howl]Overflow bags are dangerous.I had my daedric claymore on the ground with some other stuff,and the bag went on top of it!I lost the damn sword,and some other valuable stuff.[/QUOTE]

...Have you guys tried looking in the overflow lootbag? The overflow lootbag appears when you have too many items in one place. I have one in my house, because I loaded my house with everything I ever found. Now, I have an overflow lootbag full of my alchemical ingredients, and everything else I store in crates and things that were already in the house. But I can't lay anything just around the house, (i.e. on the table) because then it is put into the overflow lootbag. The game just can't handle too much stuff in one place. If the bag didn't appear, things would get extremely choppy and freezy.

As for the Dreugh... yeah, it is perfectly normal to see them or fish floating in the air, or up on land. Lots of things like that happen in this game.
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Post by giles337 »

lol, i got an overflow loot bag on the roof of the hlallu manor in balmora, used it as a weapon and armour store, and as i am a bit of a horder (sp?)
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