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Where are the books of the Dwarves

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Where are the books of the Dwarves

Post by SupaCat »

I have found them all but divine methamethycs or something like that ( don't know exactly the name) i thought it was in ruins of Dagon Fell but .....
Oh yeh so there are 3 books right?
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Post by JesterKing »

Divine Metaphysics can be found in the Gnisis Eggmine. you go all the way to the back and it connects to a dwemer ruin. just curious, are you doing the 'find why the dwarves dissapeared' quest? if so its interesting to know that you can talk to the guy in the Gnisis tower about the dissapearence... not just Yagrum Bates, and the Telvani guy in the tower (ald something) tells you more about it I think.... in any case prepare to be dissapointed, you cant ressurect them or even get a clear picture of what happened.

Edit: there are more dwemer books though, Karegnac's Planbook, and Karegnac's Journal. i dont know what you can do with them though... i ahvent gotten around to trying yet. in mournhold there are a ton of dewmer books about cog construction... cant do anythign with them either.
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Post by SupaCat »

I just wanna to find the books for my libary(in balmora :D )Thx. And those other books you mentiond, I have found them. But there is no topic for them.
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Post by JesterKing »

ya, about that. I was very curious so I went into red mountain with the guy who hasnt annoyed Yagrum yet, and got those books. heres what they are for. SPOILER! you need them ofr the second wraithguard. as far as i can tell it has the same magical properties as the first one... but it is for the left arm. You kill vivec, get his unique artifact, bring that and the books down to the good old chubby spider, and he will make a second wraithguard. sweet. but! you need to bring very very many fortify health potions.... dont know if you are interested, but its fun. :)
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Post by SupaCat »

You say at back...At the back of the first part where humans are or the door that goes to the part of evil creatures? Of the first part there are only 2 pools one deep and one with a stairs
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Post by SupaCat »

could it be that its on the right of the entrance of the lower eggmine?If so it is blockt with me. Do you have to be member of the mageguild to get inside?
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Post by Davidetuna »

Dwemer books

How many are there? I only got 'Hanging Garden' & 'Chronicle of Nchuff... something'. Edinna, the Mage guild stewardess in Ald'run, suggested to go to Dagon Fel to get the blueprint. Of what? 'Hanging Garden' is from the expedition in Nchuflett... something. I got the presentation paper for the joining the expedition, from the drillmaster of Fighter's guild in Balmora.
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Post by Anonononomous »

The Egg of Time, Hanging Gardens, and Divine Metaphysics are the 3 that tell you about the Dwarves. I'm pretty sure.
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Post by JesterKing »

you will jsut have to wander around the back of the cave... i cant tell you exactly. its not that big so its not relaly hard.
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Post by Davidetuna »

[QUOTE=Anonononomous]The Egg of Time, Hanging Gardens, and Divine Metaphysics are the 3 that tell you about the Dwarves. I'm pretty sure.[/QUOTE]

I got 'The Egg of Time', but it looks like Orcish to me, never thought that books would be telling about Dwemers.
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Post by Anonononomous »

I think it's a Dwemer book. I guess I could be wrong. The only orcish book I ever payed attention to was the one about how they got some land through a duel. I liked that one. I think I found it in a daedric shrine while looking for the adamanium helm.
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