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Expansive Much???

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Expansive Much???

Post by Skuld »

Well I decided on a character. Female Demokin with Bloddy Talons. Unarmed, Evasion, and Thought: Protective. After taking a peak at the walkthough I just realized how huge this game is, and how potentially confusing it can be. I missed just about every important part of the Sewers and didn't even know it until I peaked at the walkthrough. This is gonna be some game. And for perks I picked Swift Learner and Pugilist so far. Not sure what level I'm at though.
"I'll take the stupid one who decided to threaten us, instead of shoot us when he had the chance" - Bao-Dur
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Post by Volk »

Spoilers bleow highlight to read.

i passed untill the crypts of the lance then the game just stoped working

Its a huge game and i didnt think it was that great, the speeds are unrealistical and everything surounds you in 5 seconds after they apear on the screen, i took a fire mage untill the point above and i had an easy time with it, but it was incredibly frustrating at some points.

My character was silvant, fire ancestory, max charisma/inteligence/perception the rest where distributed in strenght to be able to cary things i took thaught magic fire, a tribal magic, not necromancy or protective, the name escapes me, but the healing spell at first level is IMO superior to the divine on, and thiveing diplomacy.

The idea behind this character was to talk your way out of the major fights in the game, dooing this requires a certan amount of speech skill and that was my main focus outside of fire magic, i used magic to kill and speech to ignore most boss fights, get better prices, rewards, more options etc.

Hope this helps i never took the time to try and finish it since then, but im glad to know someone wants to.
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Post by IcthyDemon »

My reply to one of your previous posts here also applies to this thread. Just want to make sure u get it without me double posting.
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