I am in the underdark city, and I have accidently set off the city alarm because I did not pay attention to the time limit on the egg-switching mission by pheare. So now I have killed pretty much everyone in the city because they attacked me. However, I cannot escape the city because the gates are locked. How do I get out of this dam city? Can someone please help me here, this is very frustrating.
At this point, they can't do any quest steps with the regular drow population, as they've turned hostile. I believe they need to kill Ardulace to escape.
I have given up all lesser evils as inadequate to my purpose.
I have the dragon eggs, but I cannot find Ardulace to kill her. Where can I find her now that I have set the alarm off? I have looked everywhere in the city for her.
Yes when you set off the alarms go to the temple of lloth and there will be some yochlols and the temple gaurds go to the right of the entrance and there is a long hall with a room at the end inside is a place to retrieve the eggs the matron should be inside the temple somewere try the room to the left of the entrance