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Medley Of Soltheim Questions.

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Medley Of Soltheim Questions.

Post by giles337 »

Title says it all.

A) I have found the amulet, but where is louis beauchams aiirshiP???

B) Is there any more to castle kaarstag then the tower? if so, how do i get in?

C) In Holthrolds(sp) tomb (the one in the wolf formation) is there any way to get the axe from the stone?

D) How do i "use" a starlhirm??

E) When will the people in skaal village talk to me?

Many thanks in advance
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Post by Anonononomous »

I forget exactly where the ship is.

Castle Karstaag is part of the main quest.

Dunno, don't really think so.

Do he colony quest. You'll be told to find a group of nords who can craft it into armor.

Main quest.
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Post by Maruchan »

with the castle there is an underwater entrance somwhere close, I also wonder about that axe and the airship is south of the cave where the axe is I THINK NOT SURE :D everything else I have no idea what the heck you are talkin bout (sorry) Im not that far but I hope this helps :p
And yes it is Maruchan like the noodles :p
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Post by Maruchan »

does anybody know how to get the axe I really want to know also :confused:
And yes it is Maruchan like the noodles :p
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Post by Sojourner »

a) South of Hrothmond's Bane

b) Just follow the main BM quest

c) No

d) Do the Raven Rock colony quests

e) When you're sent there from Ft. Frostmoth (do some quests for the captain)
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What happened here was the gradual habituation of the people, ... to receiving decisions deliberated in secret; to believing that the situation was so complicated that the government had to act on information which the people could not understand, or so dangerous that, even if he people could understand it, it could not be released because of national security.
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Post by Maruchan »

what does the amulet do for the airship :confused:
And yes it is Maruchan like the noodles :p
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Post by lifeishell91 »

Nothing you have to give it to the guy standing outside the Ald-ruhns Mages Guild.
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