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Soul Gems Sold in Bulk? (And a little tip.)

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Soul Gems Sold in Bulk? (And a little tip.)

Post by unregisturd »

Ok, I read a while ago somewhere that you can buy soul gems in bulk. I don't remember where I read that, so I guess I'll just ask. Where can I find all the soul gems sold in bulk? And I'm assuming by "in bulk" it meant that you could buy as many as you want and the merchant never ran out? Well, at least I think "in bulk" was the term. Anyways, the questions pretty easy for anyone who knows the answer. Any help on this would be appreciated.

And... While I was playing around with stuff last night with Morrowind, I went to go see the Mudcrab, and I don't know about other people but I ALWAYS have trouble finding his little island. So I was like, "How can I make it so I'll remember where his island is?" Well, I looked in my inventory and noticed I was carrying a lot of Large Kwama Eggs, so I was like, "That's it!" So what I did is I took the Eggs and I laid them down on top of the water and circled the island with them. And then I took the rest and made a trail to the shore where I usually enter the water at. (I usually take the Silt Strider to Suran and then fly over the mountains from there.) Anyways, I thought I'd just share that with you guys, in case anyone needed a little help remembering like I did. It is quite helpful. Somebody else might have thought of this before I did, and kudos to you. You are far more intelligent than I to not have struggled finding the island before figuring something out. :p
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Post by JesterKing »

the guy, elbert nermac i think, in the craftman's hall in mournhold. he has all kinds, and when you buy them, just press 'barter' again, and presto! he has a full supply again. he is the only guy i know of.
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Post by unregisturd »

Hmm... Thanks, Jester. I'll have to check that out. But I read someplace that somewhere in the "Tel" places, (Telvanni Towers) someone has an unlimited supply. They said that different people carried different soul gems and for each soul gem they had, they had an unlimited supply. :confused: I dunno... Maybe I'm not remembering correctly, but I could have sworn I read it...
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Post by JesterKing »

hmm... never heard that. and i ahve been through all the telvani towers checkin what the enchanters had whille looking for the scrolls of windform... sorry i cant be of any help. Oh, and when you buy lots of soul gems (maybe this is just me) they consficate them when you are arrested. the same with potions... at least ones i buy in mournhold.
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Post by unregisturd »

[QUOTE=JesterKing]hmm... never heard that. and i ahve been through all the telvani towers checkin what the enchanters had whille looking for the scrolls of windform... sorry i cant be of any help. Oh, and when you buy lots of soul gems (maybe this is just me) they consficate them when you are arrested. the same with potions... at least ones i buy in mournhold.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I know. Earlier in my travels through Sadrith Mora I forgot I had a little bounty on my head, so I talked to a Telvanni guard and he took all my soul gems. :( I still haven't been able to find where they keep them... Have any clue? But I've only had about a 5 bounty on my my whole game. And that was for 2 seconds. I'm good at not getting caught doing naughty things. :p :D :rolleyes: :cool:
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